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Arcane scaling weapons are some of the most overpowered in Elden Ring, given how a large portion of them can bleed some of the game’s most fearsome bosses dry while also dealing massive skill damage. But have you ever wondered which of the game’s current set of Arc weapons are the best? To help you answer that, here are the 10 best Arcane weapons in Elden Ring.
10. Albinauric Staff

To start we have the Albinauric Staff. To be fairly honest, except for the fact that the staff is the only Arcane scaling catalyst in the game, there’s not much that makes this weapon a standout among the ones featured in our list.
But that does not mean that you should underestimate it, as its S-Arcane scaling at 19+ allows the staff to —under optimal conditions— become a late-game enemy melting machine if paired with the Briars of Sin and Briars of Punishment Incantations.
Stats and How to Get the Albinauric Staff
You can get the Albinauric Staff by examining a corpse located on one of the high floors close to the Guest Hall Site of Grace on Volcano Manor. The Staff will require 6 Strength, 10 Intelligence, and 12 Arcane, as well as have an E/D/C initial scaling.
9. Serpent Bow

Although not a main weapon, the Serpent Bow is both the only one of its class to scale with Arcane and a top-tier situational pick for all going with a Dexterity/Arcane build in Elden Ring.
The reason for that lies in how its high scaling and unique passive allow the weapon to apply massive amounts of Poison, as well as an above-average amount of Blood Loss (also known as Hemorrhage) and Sleep to targets per arrow shot. If you manage to find an advantageous position, this bow is capable of bringing down even the mightiest of foes quickly.
Stats and How to Get the Serpent Bow
You can get the Serpent Bow by heading to Caelid’s Abandoned Cave. Once at the cave, the bow —which will require at least 8 Strength, 15 Dexterity, and 11 Arcane to be used efficiently, and has an E/D/D initial scaling— can be found at the center of a pool of Scarlet Rot.
8. Reduvia

The worst nightmare of all PVP newcomers and arguably the best dagger in the game, the Reduvia excels thanks to its ability to apply massive amounts of Blood Loss to close-range targets with its fast normals and to faraway targets by using its Reduvia Blood Blade skill.
This, when paired with its low-stat requirements and availability early on, makes the dagger a great and safe choice for any kind of Blood Loss build.
Stats and How to Get the Reduvia
You can get the Reduvia by defeating Bloody Finger Nerijus at the entrance of Murkwater Catacombs. The dagger requires at least 5 Strength, 13 Dexterity, and 13 Arcane to be used to the fullest, and has an initial scaling of E/D/D.
7. Bloody Helice

A top-tier PVP weapon, the Bloody Helice is a niche but great pick for a good array of Arcane builds given its low demand in stats, ability to apply a good deal of Blood Loss, and above-average range.
However, none of the above it’s the main reason why the weapon is featured here, as its biggest differential lies in how your Tarnished will be immune to damage while performing the first half of its Dynast’s Finesse skill. When activated, the skill will allow you to quickly spin backward before choosing to retaliate with either a strong or standard attack.
If used correctly, the Skill can replace your dodge and more often than not open both players and bosses to an onslaught of damage.
Stats and How to Get the Bloody Helice
You can get the Bloody Helice by opening a chest located past the Sanguine Noble boss at Writheblood Ruins. The weapon requires 16 Strength, 19 Dexterity, and 17 Arcane to be perfectly wielded, and has an E, D, and D initial scaling.
6. Eleonora’s Poleblade

One of the most fun weapons to wield in the game, the Eleonora’s Poleblade is a perfect fit for most Dexterity/Arcane builds given its high speed and ability to deal Fire/Physical damage on hit while also applying high amounts of Blood Loss.
Its dual damage also allows the weapon to get the most from specific damage-enhancing Incantations like Flame, Grant Me Strength, a characteristic not many Arcane weapons share. At the end of the day, the Twinblade sets itself apart as a match made in heaven for players who prefer to rush in and get the job done fast.
Stats and How to Get the Eleonora’s Poleblade
You can acquire the Eleonora’s Poleblade by defeating Eleonora, Violet Bloody Finger at the Second Church of Marika. The weapon requires 12 Strength, 21 Dexterity, and 19 Arcane, and has an E/D/D initial scaling.
5. Morgott’s Cursed Sword

Even if the weapon is not as impressive when the subject is normal DMG and is known for being extremely tricky to build around, the Morgott’s Cursed Sword clinches the fourth spot in our list thanks to the massive damage of its Cursed-Blood Slice Weapon Skill. Upon use, the skill will allow you to quickly perform a series of up to two sword slashes, each dealing both Physical and then Fire DMG. The attack will also apply a good amount of Blood Loss to boot.
Even if it is undeniable that using the weapon demands a significant FP investment, the Morgott’s Cursed Sword can be a game changer when paired with another weapon in dual wielding.
Stats and How to Get the Morgott’s Cursed Sword
The Morgott’s Cursed Sword can be acquired by defeating Morgott the Omen King in Leyndell, Royal Capital, and then exchanging the Remembrance of the Omen King with Finger Reader Enia at the Roundtable Hold. The weapon will require 14 Strength, 35 Dexterity, and 17 Arcane, and has an E/C/D initial scaling.
4. Dragon Communion Seal

An integral piece in most, if not all builds focused on making use of Incantations, the Dragon Communion Seal is a must-have for all looking to invest in Arcane in Elden Ring.
But why is the seal so highly regarded? Well, apart from its S-scaling in Arcane at 8+ (which will massively buff all Blood and Frenzied Flame Incantations), the Seal will further buff all Draconic Incantations such as Dragonclaw, Dragonfire, and Dragonmaw, the latter of which is capable of nearly one-shooting most bosses if paired with the right Talismans.
When going for the Seal, keep in mind that the best high-level Incantations will demand a moderate to high investment in Faith.
Stats and How to Get the Dragon Communion Seal
You can get the Dragon Communion Seal by defeating the sword and shield-wielding Banishing Knight located at the end of one of the possible paths on Fringefolk Hero’s Grave. The Seal requires 10 Faith/10 Arcane and has a D/C initial scaling.
3. Mohgwyn’s Sacred Spear

The best Arcane weapon when the subject is AoE, Mohgwyn’s Sacred Spear is capable of dealing massive DMG while applying large amounts of Blood Loss in a large area through the use of its unique weapon skill, Bloodboon Ritual. The skill —which is especially overpowered when paired with any Ash of War capable of getting hold of a foe’s attention— can be used three times in sequence and will coat the weapon in bloodflame after each use.
It’s safe to say that very few Arcane weapons in Elden Ring are as lethal as Mohgwyn’s Sacred Spear, although the long buildup of its skill may leave you open to receive just as much damage as you can deal when faced with either giant or highly mobile foes.
Stats and How to Get the Mohgwyn’s Sacred Spear
You can get the Mohgwyn’s Sacred Spear by defeating Mohg, Lord of Blood and then exchanging the Remembrance of the Blood Lord for it with Finger Reader Enia at the Roundtable Hold. The weapon will require 24 Strength, 14 Dexterity, and 27 Arcane, as well as have an initial scaling of D, E, and D.
2. Marais Executioner’s Sword

Having its Eochaid’s Dancing Blade skill and its over-the-top damage output as its biggest strengths, the Marais Executioner’s Sword is one of the premier picks for Strength/Arcane builds, as well as the best Arcane greatsword in Elden Ring.
The skill, which consists of the Tarnished spinning the sword in front of them before performing a slash, is capable of taking massive chunks of health from bosses in a flash at minimum risk. As each rotation counts as a separate attack, you can take the weapon’s damage to a whole new realm by making use of Talismans like the Rotten Winged Sword Insignia.
Stats and How to Get the Marais Executioner’s Sword
You can get the Marais Executioner’s Sword by defeating Elemer of the Briar at The Shaded Castle. The weapon will require 21 Strength, 14 Dexterity, and 23 Arcane, and has an initial scaling of C, E, and D. If you have yet to unlock the weapon but want to start testing out a build for it, the Regalia of Eochaid also has the Eochaid’s Dancing Blade skill and can work as a great placeholder.
1. Rivers of Blood

The best Katana as well as the best Arcane weapon in Elden Ring, the nerfs did not stop Rivers of Blood from being an equipable cheat code. The reason for that lies in its Corpse Piler Weapon Skill, which costs up to 35 FP and allows you to perform a series of 6 fast slashes. Each slash will deal massive Fire/Physical damage and apply a large amount of Blood Loss.
Featuring a perfect blend of attack speed and adaptability, Rivers of Blood will —if in a focused build— allow you to end boss fights with only a few Skill uses, as well as demolish late-game enemies without even reaching the third slash.
The only downside of the weapon, if you can call it that, is that it is extremely FP-dependent. To mitigate that, I highly recommend that you use FP-related Talismans like the Cerulean Amber Medallion, the Ancestral Spirit’s Horn, or ideally the Carian Filigreed Crest.
Stats and How to Get Rivers of Blood
You can get the Rivers of Blood Katana by defeating Bloody Finger Okina at Mountaintops of the Giants’s Church of Repose. The weapon requires 12 Strength, 18 Dexterity, and 20 Arcane, and has an initial scaling of E,/D/D.
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