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As we swiftly approach six months of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, Gun Media has been generous enough to address bugs, fix gameplay issues, and rebalance characters. These changes have occurred across nine patches overall — with the tenth targeted for February 6. In that time, newcomers and veterans alike have gained enough experience to hone their skills and master the game’s many overwhelming mechanics to teach us how to survive Texas Chain Saw Massacre. Knowing how to survive is half the battle; the other half is perfecting techniques to make escaping more efficient.
Since the last update in December, we now have new additions Danny and Nancy, a rework of Johnny, a fix for Leatherface’s chainsaw, and more. Here are ways to survive The Texas Chain Saw Massacre that consider recent updates and broader knowledge of gameplay.
10. Killers Can’t Hurt You Immediately

It was a common misconception early on in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre‘s launch that if you wiggled from your restraints too loudly, the Family could pinpoint your location and swarm you immediately. As gamers have adapted to Gun Media’s specific play style, that was found to be a false belief. It can be a little misleading when the game encourages you not to make noise, but the Leatherface must watch a short cutscene before play commences. As for the other Family members, they start top-side, not in the basement, so feel free to wiggle to your heart’s content at the very beginning of a match.
9. Pay Attention to Chickens

After complaints that some exits were left largely unguarded and Victims held a major advantage, Gun Media generated more chickens around each map. Chickens are used to alert Family to a Victim’s location if they aren’t careful. While that may sound intimidating, fret not. One of the most relevant tips for how to survive Texas Chain Saw Massacre is that Chickens are harmless so long as you crouch around them very slowly. If you do so, they won’t trigger a noise notification for Family and you can go about your escape undetected. It would also be wise not to run around like a headless chicken (pun intended) without surveying your surroundings beforehand.
8. Ambush Grandpa Against Veteran Killers

Family are more inclined to level up Grandpa to flush Victims out of hiding than they are to undergo a wild goose chase. The more blood Grandpa gets, the quicker he can detect Victims indefinitely until he is incapacitated. As a standard practice, once Grandpa reaches Level 3 or Level 4, one Victim should risk themselves for the good of the team to stab him and lower his progression. Many Victims nominate Leland for this task, but any Victim can perform this selfless act with enough resolve.
7. Utilize Latches, Doors, and Crawl Spaces

Slamming doors on Family members will stun them momentarily; latching doors will force Family to either barge through or find a different route; and crawl spaces can only be entered by Hitchhiker and Sissy. All other Family members will need to close the crawl space and go the long way around to continue pursuing you. In dire situations, these small interactions could very well save a Victim’s life. When entering a room via a crawl space, latch the main door to give yourself some breathing room should a Family member come looking for you. When in a chase, slam a door on a Family member to stun them and make your daring escape.
6. Play to Every Family Member’s Weakness

Just like Victims, each Family member possesses a unique ability. For example, Cook can listen to his surroundings to locate a noisy Victim; Sissy can poison objects or blow poisonous powder to disorientate a Victim; and Johnny can track footprints to force Victims out of their hiding spots. But with every strength comes a weakness. Leatherface may be able to destroy obstacles and crawl spaces, but he can’t climb ladders or squeeze through gaps in walls. Hitchhiker can pursue a Victim with ease, but doesn’t deal much damage compared to the likes of Leatherface and Johnny. Exploiting a Family member’s weakness will allow you to counter their unique perks.
5. Learn Your Victims

Every Victim has different traits and a single unique ability. Julie is more suited to stealthy players who want to sneak around and unlock doors, then make a break for the exit when they need to. Leland is more proficient at fighting back against the Family and providing distractions by initiating chases or incapacitating Grandpa. For one of the more prominent Victim tips for The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, once you learn your play style, level up whichever Victim is best suited to it — then practice, practice, practice. It doesn’t hurt to learn other Victims outside of one’s comfort zone, but for first-time players, stick to what you know.
4. Brains Over Brawn

Barging through every Family member until you reach the road isn’t the most effective way of escaping the Sawyers. More often than not, stealthily acquiring tools and unlocking exits or fixing the fuse is the way to go. Don’t rush to the nearest gate and pop it open, but instead take the time to learn the maps and discover which exits often go unguarded. Playing smart will almost always guarantee an escape. In these circumstances, slow and steady wins the race every time. If one escape route doesn’t work out, jump down to the basement, regroup, then tackle another one.
3. Always Carry Bone Scrap

One of the in-game items that often gets overlooked is the Bone Scrap, available in piles scattered around the map. These human remains are handy weapons to defend against the Family, tools to disarm traps and open the fusebox. They’re also a nice go-to if you find yourself backed into a corner. Bone Scrap isn’t nearly as popular of an item as Tools or Health, but it can be utilized for many different beneficial purposes. If you find yourself as the last remaining Victim, arm yourself with Bone Scrap and fight like your life depended on it — because maybe it does.
2. Wells Are Your Friend

There’s nothing more frustrating than making it all the way through the Slaughterhouse or way out to the Homestead, just to find yourself back in the Basement. All that progress you made is now lost, just because a nosey Nancy came snooping and discovered your hiding spot. But when looking at how to survive in Texas Chain Saw Massacre, instead of considering a trip to the Basement as a defeat, view it as a way to recuperate and gather any materials you might need to give escape another try. If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.
1. Don’t Play Alone!

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre can be an enjoyable experience for both solo players and parties. Gathering a group of friends certainly bodes well for Victims and Family alike, especially if the squad can effectively communicate. The whole experience becomes a lot less stressful. Even if your friends aren’t sold on Gun Media’s latest release, many veteran players would gladly lend an ear to you. It also never hurts to watch some online tutorials and learn survival techniques from others. Are you wondering how to survive the Texas Chain Saw Massacre? Don’t play alone!