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Pinball Dreams is currently one of the best community maps of Brawl Stars in the Rank mode. Featuring a simplistic and less fenced area, Pinball Dreams is all about skill and teamplay, while some brawlers might just do better in this soccer-style game mode. The best brawlers for Pinball Dreams should be able to patrol certain areas, move fast, and hit more than one target
5. Rico

Rico is an old gem of the Brawl Stars that didn’t appear to be a flash in the pan since the beginning of the game. Rico has one of the best star powers in the game, allowing for better dodges and speed plays, which is crucial in Brawl Ball in Brawl Stars.
There’s also the fact that Rico’s shots bounce off the walls. This is pretty handy in Pinball Dreams, letting you shoot the approaching targets from the angle and use covers to your advantage. But what if the fences are broken during the gameplay? Use Rico’s super to shoot through the enemies with higher damage and longer hit range!
4. Jacky

Who wants to have the best goalkeeping brawler in Pinball Dreams? Jacky’s power is just made for staying back behind the fences and smashing anyone trying to score a pesky goal. Are opponents bugging your teammates for scoring a goal? Not a problem! Just get close and use Jacky’s power to pull them all. You know what’s next; stomp them!
Jacky’s HP stats and high damage delivery are the main forces that she’s reckoned with. But remember, she can also boost her speed and rebuild the map’s fences.
3. Bo

using his — well — bow. But it’s not just any explosive arrow; you can shoot them over the walls, and they’ve got a little timer till they blow into three small circles. This is handy but tricky, and this is what Bo is capable of: by setting arrow mines to block opponent’s paths.
With Bo’s gadgets, you can drag enemies into more traps and even help your teammates get their super faster. Level up Bo, and you’ll be able to spot the enemies hiding in bushes with his star power.
2. Charlie

This mythic brawler is a pain to play against, and an overpowered ally to have by your side. Charlie utilizes a yo-yo in the game, hitting targets and everything on its way back to her hands. This is a tricky move for hitting multiple targets at once. And if they try getting near the goal, just put them in a cocoon with Charlie’s super!
Now, if sticking targets in a cocoon isn’t annoying enough, you just need to know that one of Charlie’s star powers leaves a slimy trail around it. This makes things way more difficult for the opposing team, as they won’t be able to proceed through certain areas of the map while one of the teammates is wrapped and can’t even move a leg. Charlie is one of the best brawlers for fighting more than just one target in Pinball Dreams.
1. Cordelius

Once you see the blue circle around Cordelius, you know that this is a meta-brawler. Anyone in this circle is in serious danger, as Cordelius’ attacks deal a massive amount of damage. And if you try resisting this mushroom lover, he’ll just send you to the shadow realm for 5 hellish seconds!
While in the shadow realm, you can move much faster, gaining a speed advantage to reach the target and take it out in a flash. Codelius is capable of dealing a hefty amount of damage in close range, and if you unlock his star power, it will boost up to 30% more destructive potential.
Overall, brawlers that can do close-range damage and hit multiple targets are the best for Pinball Dreams in Brawl Stars. You should be able to make final plays like getting opponents stuck or blocking an area to force them to change their routes. These 5 brawlers have proven to be capable, but don’t just break Jessie’s heart and let her use her turret in Ranked mode, ok?
Brawl Stars is currently available to play on iOS and Android devices.