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There are countless transformations throughout the Dragon Ball universe. Stakes are raised time and time again with each new form trying to improve on the previous one. But there are some amazing non-canon transformations in Dragon Ball, with some of them even surpassing the canon forms. So, we’re sorting out a few of the best across various media from manga to video games.
Cooler’s Fourth Transformation

- Debut:
- Anime: Dragon Ball GT Episode 42
- Manga: Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Universe Mission!! 1st Chapter
- Game: Dragon Ball Z III: Ressen Jinzōningen
What’s a Dragon Ball bad guy if they don’t go through their transformations? Cooler is much like his younger brother Frieza, yet the two have one distinct difference: Cooler could reach the fourth transformation. Others of their kind can do it too, but Cooler is the first one we see do it. In fact, it’s a first for Cooler too.
By the time he reaches this fourth transformation, he gets big. Almost absurdly big. He now sports a bio-visor over his mouth, four white horns, red eyes, and a bodybuilder’s physique. It’s not just aesthetics though as Cooler is much stronger than Full Power Frieza. SS Goku may come out of the fight the victor, but he’s drained to the brink of exhaustion.
Super Mira

- Debut: Dark Demon Realm Saga
Sometimes, demons could use a little love, right? Well, demon-hybrids at least. And this hybrid also boasts one of the best non-canon Dragon Ball transformations. Created in Dragon Ball Online, Mira later becomes quite the antagonist. Made of a host of different species from Frieza’s kind to Earthlings, Mira is a bio-android that can tap into Super Saiyan abilities thanks to the Saiyan in his DNA.
For him to reach Super Mira state, he must go through a bout of true rage. And this form is no laughing matter. For a moment, he even holds his own against SS Xeno Trunks and Xeno Bardock. They came out on top eventually, but it wasn’t easy for them.
God Broly

- Debut: Dragon Ball Z: Super Tenkaichi Budokai
As far as tough opponents go, no matter the medium, Broly proves himself a worthy contender. He even transcends to a 4D experience at Universal Studios Japan, which is where we get one of the best non-canon transformations in the Dragon Ball universe. This isn’t your average medium, so it’s not a form many fans get to witness. What we do know is that he resembles his Legendary SS3 form.
Broly is as big as ever with this epic transformation, and his power is tremendous. It takes little effort for him to do away with SS Blue Goku. We don’t know exactly how Broly achieved this massive form. But who needs a backstory when you have such a cool character to admire?
Super Saiyan Rosé Full Power

- Debut:
- Anime: Super Dragon Ball Heroes Episode 38
- Manga: Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Big Bang Mission!!! 12th Chapter
- Game: Dragon Ball Heroes
Although Super Saiyan Rosé made its debut in Dragon Ball Super courtesy of Goku Black, the advanced forms of Super Saiyan Rosé 2, 3, and eventually Full Power stem from Super Dragon Ball Heroes, firmly making these forms non-canon. Even so, there’s no denying how borderline OP they are.
Crimson, the alternate universe form of Goku Black, reaches Full Power after dealing with our heroes in the previous transformations. Siphoning energy, the Full Power Crimson handles a host of characters from Perfected Ultra Instinct Goku to Super Saiyan God SS (Berserk Controlled) Vegeta. But when Super Saiyan God SS Evolved Gogeta enters the fight, he does get taken out quite easily. As expected, if we’re being honest.
Super Full Power Saiyan 4 Limit Breaker

- Debut:
- Anime: Super Dragon Ball Heroes Episode 26
- Manga: Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Big Bang Mission!!! 3rd Chapter
GT kicked off the start of a memorable non-canon line of Super Saiyan transformations. First seeing SS4 was beyond impressive, but Super Dragon Ball Heroes added their own explosive take with the Super Full Power Saiyan 4 Limit Breaker. Resembling the OG SS4, a deeper hue surrounds the person. Paired with that almost gentle, deep voice, they have a godly feel.
The process is quite something too. Saiyans must do a ki transfer to start this transformation, and the target reaches Super Fully Power Saiyan 4 before hitting the Limit Breaker State. It’s the strongest form for Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta. But of course, Broly can hit this form without any help simply because, well, he’s Broly.