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If you want to experience a new type of hero shooter mixed with some MOBA elements and battle royale mechanics, Theorycraft has crafted (no pun intended) something for you. Supervive‘s open beta launch should occur sometime during late 2024, and while many might think it is another League-like game with a colorful cast of characters, it is much more than that. That’s why we’ve prepared a list of five things that set this game apart from others and are reason enough to get you pumped for it.
5. Building a Character Is Extremely Easy

During my early hands-on time with the game, I noticed how easy it was to build a character. In other games of this genre, there are dozens of items with long descriptions that are a bit overwhelming. While some games offer an auto-build feature, it still isn’t enough to optimize your hero. Enter: Supervive. This game has fewer objects for heroes to equip, but all of them feel much more impactful. Furthermore, it doesn’t punish the player if they pick the wrong item at first because there are many ways to obtain weapons and armor. In a sense, the game feels more like Overwatch in putting player skill first instead of relying too much on itemization like League does.
4. Each Hunter Feels Unique

I know this might be the most obvious thing, but something that excites me about Supervive‘s launch is the uniqueness of each hunter. When making a hero shooter, developers face many challenges. Some of the biggest rely on making heroes have an original design and kit. Thankfully, Supervive nails that aspect by making each role feel relevant. Throughout my play session, I never felt one hunter borrowed mechanics from another. On the contrary, each one felt original yet familiar to those who have experience in the genre.
3. Death Is Not The End

Since Supervive borrows elements from other games, especially battle royales, I was expecting death to be the end of a match. That wasn’t the case. Once someone knocks you out, your partners can revive you. After that, you can return to where you met your demise to retrieve your items. However, there are more ways to bring teammates back from the dead. If you have a bounty, after surviving for a certain amount of time, everyone comes back to life wherever you are, making the bounty system extremely rewarding.
2. Each Map Is Different Thanks to Storm Shifts

One mechanic coming to Supervive‘s launch is called Storm Shifts, which are basically map modifiers reminiscent of those we’ve seen on Helldivers 2. Each match, a new Storm Shift will occur, giving boons to players or placing wacky effects on the map. Some of the best are those that give infinite jetpack fuel that lets you zoom through the battlefield with ease. All players can look at the current Storm Shift once the match begins and you’re picking your spot to land. This is useful to know as some might even dictate the storm’s direction or other effects that might affect a match.
1. Rounds Are Extremely Fast-Paced, Allowing for Short Gaming Sessions

My favorite thing about Supervive is how fast-paced everything is. As soon as you land, you get a day/night cycle where the game forces you to level up quickly before minions get stronger. In addition, the storm that closes as time passes and the fact that you have to race against other players to capture camps and upgrade items make a match’s pacing extremely enjoyable. The longest match I had was one of 25 minutes, and I felt it was the perfect match time. It is short enough to avoid burnout but long enough to let me explore the map, build my characters, and try to take a few hunters down.
So far, these are some of the most exciting things coming to Supervive at launch. Since the game will launch with an open beta, I’m sure we’ll see more exciting additions and features. Whether it is new hunters, Storm Shifts, or something completely new, the future of Supervive looks bright. Hopefully, many fans of the genre will jump into the fight because Theorycraft has created a captivating gameplay combination of addictive mechanics that’ll hook newcomers and veterans alike.