“Catch ’em all” is the slogan, but catching is optional. If there’s a specific Pokemon you want, searching tall grass might not be the best option. Which Pokemon you encounter in Pokemon GO depends on region, weather, and even what hemisphere you’re in. You’re way more likely to find a Tentacool or Krabby on a rainy day at the beach than you are in the sunny mountains. This system encourages players to travel, but it also encourages one of the most popular mechanics in the series: trading. Some factors can make trades pricey, however. Here’s how the trade cost works in Pokemon GO.
The Trade Cost Explained in Pokemon Go
(Updated on March 25th, 2024 – clarified trading process)

Stardust is used for purifying Shadow Pokemon, unlocking second Charged Attacks, powering up Pokemon, and trading. You cannot trade without Stardust, but the trade cost in Pokemon GO depends on a few factors, including the rarity of the Pokemon you want to trade. If you were hoping to swap your Caterpie for Mewtwo, you’re in for some heartbreak. Before you worry about having enough Stardust to trade, there are a few other requirements you need to meet. To complete a trade, the following must be true:
- The trainers trading are friends in the game
- The trainers are at least Level 10
- The trainers are no more than 100m from each other
Once you check those boxes, it’s time to shake your cosmic piggy bank for Stardust. If you and your trading partner both have a regular (not Legendary, Ultra, or Shiny) Pokemon in your Pokedex already, you can trade that Pokemon for just 100 Stardust. If you don’t have the Pokemon in your Pokedex or you’re trying to trade an Ultra Beast, Legendary, or Shiny, trading is more expensive. The big variable is your Friendship Level because stronger friendships equal discounts. It’s always good to see rewards for being nice.
Stardust Cost (Regular)
Friendship | Pokemon Is In Both Pokedex | Pokemon Is New To One of the Trainers |
Good Friends | 100 Stardust | 20,000 Stardust |
Great Friends | 100 Stardust | 16,000 Stardust |
Ultra Friends | 100 Stardust | 1,600 Stardust |
Best Friends | 100 Stardust | 800 Stardust |
Stardust Cost (Legendary, Ultra Beast, Shiny)
Friendship | Pokemon Is In Both Pokedex | Pokemon Is New To One of the Trainers |
Good Friends | 20,000 Stardust | 1,000,000 Stardust |
Great Friends | 16,000 Stardust | 800,000 Stardust |
Ultra Friends | 1,600 Stardust | 80,000 Stardust |
Best Friends | 800 Stardust | 40,000 Stardust |
1,000,000 Stardust is a huge amount, but if you have your eye on a certain Legendary, don’t despair. Trade prices are often much lower during in-game events, so keep an eye out for opportunities and make sure you have some friends around when the time comes. Lucky Pokemon also reduce the trade cost in Pokemon GO, so it can’t hurt to have some rabbits’ feet and four-leaf clover around.
Pokemon GO is available on Android and iOS.