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Giant Alex is an elusive entity said to have the same looks as the normal Alex skin— but she’s 12 blocks tall. Furthermore, she has blood all over her body, doesn’t have eyes, and with gapped mouth, looking like she is screaming in horror. Many Minecraft players believe that Giant Alex isn’t a creepypasta and can be found in a cursed, mysterious seed. But how can you find her and is Giant Alex actually exists? You don’t have to hold your breath as we have answers to both questions.
Locating the Giant Alex with the Seed, According to The Minecraft Myth
[Updated on September 11 – Added new images and changed the explanations]

As claimed by the creepypasta and various players, you won’t be able to find Giant Alex in regular gameplay. Instead, you will need to set a few parameters to find her:
- Play Minecraft Java with OptiFine 1.12.2 version.
- Set the World to “Survival” and difficulty level to “Peaceful.”
- Set it to 6 Render Distance and 0.2 Fog Distance. This can be found in the “Videos” and “Videos” > “Details…” settings, respectively.
- Use the special Giant Alex seed 7778749381209293789578 when creating the World.
To run version 1.12.2 from the Minecraft Launcher, select the “Installation” tab from the Minecraft: Java Edition menu. Click the “New Installation” button and pick the old release from the dropdown menu to make a new installation option. The old version of Optifine also requires you to run the 1.12.2 version at least once to be installed.
When you play the game, you will spawn on a small island in the middle of nowhere. Again, following the creepypasta, you need to swim or row a Boat to the nearest mainland. It’s said that while she can appear anywhere, she often shows up in “Swamps, Forests and Snowy Mountains.” This is quite convenient considering all main islands in this seed are places with those biomes.
Top 5 Best Scary Minecraft ModsAs the screenshots and videos that show Giant Alex’s appearance are all on a Forest island, then we should try heading there as well. Once you have a Boat ready, set sail towards X:271 and Z:987 coordinates, passing an Ocean Monument, to reach a Forest biome island. When you’ve reached the island, just look around until Giant Alex appears on the horizon.
The pasta claimed that if you noticed 3x2x2 pits then you should start seeing her soon– as it is her footprints. Guides also said that if you approach Giant Alex too close, the game will almost 100% crash instantly.
Our Experience of Searching for Giant Alex: Myth Busted?

Unfortunately, after wasting 3 hours in both Survival and Spectator Modes, we cannot find any traces of Giant Alex in Minecraft Java and Bedrock. First, if you use the 7778749381209293789578 seed on the latest releases, you won’t spawn in a small, desolated island. Instead, you will already spawn in a jungle on one of the mainland.
Next, we located a similar spot to where Giant Alex was often found in screenshots and Minecraft videos, near a mountain. There we waited and flew around for hours to see if the giant monster would show her face but got no result. We did find a bunch of shallow pits filled with water in Forest and Snowy Islands though, but other than that, nothing.
Since the creepypasta said that we needed to play on Peaceful difficulty, we barely found any signs of life either. At best, some Sheep and Chickens grazing on a cliff and a bunch of swimming Squids in the ocean. Several players claimed that there is a “Giant Alex graveyard” at X:2653 Y:44 Z:416 coordinates, but all we found were patches of Swampland in the middle of an ocean.
All things considered, we decided to call this whole Giant Alex myth to be just that: a myth.
For one thing, it is not an official Minecraft easter egg as it’s claimed you need the Optifine mod to meet the monster. There is a huge chance that Giant Alex is simply a fake creepypasta and the result of a viral horror mod. On Reddit, people who claim to have seen — and can help you find — Giant Alex always share a Mediafire link for you to download something. Minecraft YouTubers who tried to locate her in 2024 such as PixlraZor also cannot find any proof that Giant Alex exists in that special seed.
It’s a bit of a letdown every time a spooky easter egg in a game turns out to be a fabrication. Nevertheless, finding out the truth about the mystery can also be seen as a part of the fun. If you want to look for another creepy “secret” in Minecraft though, look no further than the Cave Dweller.