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Iron Ore has always been one of the easiest materials to find in Minecraft version 1.21. This is not surprising as it is one of the early game materials you need to level up from Wooden gear. Several items that are essential for your survival and land navigation also need Iron to be crafted. But, it doesn’t exactly grow on trees; where and at what altitude should you try mining for this valuable metal?
The Best Place To Find Iron in Minecraft 1.21
[Updated on 30 August – Added new images and updated the explanations]

Iron Ore spawns in all Y-axis levels, but the best elevations for it are at Y=16 and Y=232. At a higher altitude, more often than not Raw Iron Ore blocks can appear on a mountain surface. Occasionally, you can also find a pure Block of Iron which equals 9 Iron Ingots inside Bastion Remnants and Trial Chambers’s Chests and Ominous Vaults.
Iron Ores can be mined using Stone Pickaxes or stronger to get Raw Irons; Wooden Pickaxes would only destroy the Iron Ore block. Try enchanting your Pickaxe as well: Fortune will increase the yield and Silk Touch will keep the Ore intact. Afterward, you can smelt Raw Iron on a Furnace to make Iron Ingot.
When it comes to mining, there are two well-known techniques to extract this valuable resource. One method is branch mining, where you dig a main tunnel and create smaller offshoots every two blocks. The other is strip mining, which involves rapidly clearing large areas of blocks before moving on to the next section.
What Do You Use Iron For?

It’s important to find Iron Ores because the gear will become your first equipment upgrade in Minecraft. You need an Iron Pickaxe to dig up Diamonds and other, more important materials as well as craft decent weapons and armor. Besides that, the metal is also used for many essential items as well:
- Bucket: Carry liquid and aquatic mobs.
- Compass: Directs you towards the world spawn or a Lodestone.
- Flint and Steel: Ignite a fire.
- Shears: Harvest Wool from Sheep.
- Minecart.
- Blast Furnace.
- Cauldron.
- Stonecutter.
- And many more.
Iron is an important early game material that you need to find fast in Minecraft. But once you’ve settled and conquered many lands, Netherite will be your best friend. Let’s take a peek at our Netherite guide to locate them.