Developer Leven Liu is releasing a patch of new content for ZED ZONE for its Beta0.62_v5.1.0. It’s all a part of the “APOCALYPSE AHEAD” initiative, which is the ultimate creative plan to release new content throughout the summer of 2023. It’s the season of updates for ZED ZONE, and we’re just about to experience the first of the undead goodness with the arrival of the Shell Collector.
Players can expect a small number of changes to occur as they install Beta0.62_v5.1.0 for ZED ZONE. The official changelog will be provided below, though you can visit the site for further information and inquisitions. Early Access gameplay is still in action, so expect more adjustments to come aboard as Levev Liu continues to work on their open-world zombie title.
ZED ZONE – Beta0.62_V5.1.0 Shell Collector Notes

- New constructible: Molding Workbench.
- New active skill: Western Gunslinger.
- New type of firearm accessory: Shell Collector.
- New craftable items: Sewing Needle, Sewing Thread, and Needle Threader.
- Added a feature to pick up all items in the loot bar.
- Magazine crafting.
- Stock crafting and new suppressor.
- Water bottle crafting.
- Optimized loading mechanism for the large map.
- Optimized item textures.
- Weapons and other items on the ground will display complete textures.
- Correct texture display when consuming grilled meat.
- Fixed a bug where some textures were not displayed completely.
- Fixed a bug where firearm textures did not display durability.
- Fixed a bug where melee weapon component textures were not displayed.
- Added some solicited letters as activities.
Keep in mind that these above-listed fixes were mostly discovered by player feedback. You can anticipate running into more issues; therefore, send in any reports to Discord server for bugs. The more that’s reported into the Discord server, the more that Leven Liu can fix up.
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