The Darksiders franchise has been on hold for the last couple of years, but yesterday saw the announcement of a remaster of the original Darksiders coming to

The game, originally released in 2010, will receive a fresh coat of paint, including improved textures, post-processing, and shadow qualities. These improvements will reinvigorate the colorful, comic book-like art style that portrayed the end of the world in such a stylized fashion.
For those unfamiliar with the title, the first Darksiders follows War, one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse as he tries to figure out why the world has ended before it was supposed to. He is accused of plummeting earth into darkness and must figure out what forces have been working behind the scenes to bring about the end of times in order to clear his name.

The gameplay is a mix of God of War’s combat and The Legend of Zelda’s structure. You’ll traverse massive dungeons, solving puzzles and picking up new fascinating items. When enemies pop up you’ll swing your massive blade, cleaving them in two as you dodge to and fro, waiting for the perfect opening to strike.
It is a beautifully realized representation of the end of the world, replete with horrific enemies, towering bosses, and plenty of memorable characters. the action is quick and fluid, while the puzzles act as good breathers between the hacking and slashing.

Darksiders II received a remaster for consoles just last year. The series is currently in the hands of Nordic Games, a Sweden-based publisher. No new titles in the franchise have been released since it was purchased after the fall of THQ in 2014. But these remasters could point to a third title being in the works, possibly starring a third horseman.
Darksiders Warmastered Edition is coming to PS4,