The new Spider-Punk series is bringing more than Hobie Brown into the Marvel Universe. As the titular hero works to keep Earth-138 safe, he brings along a group of punk variants of other Marvel heroes. These variants expand upon Hobie’s world and hint that this series won’t be the last to star the punk rock wall climber. In fact, with the popularity of the Spider-Verse films, we may see a lot more of these miniseries that span out of the films. For now, it is time to meet the band.
Spider-Punk And The Band

As Spider-Punk: Arms Race #1 kicks off, fans get their first look at Hobie Brown’s fellow bandmates. The Spider-Band features punk variants of already popular Marvel heroes. This includes Mz. Marvel (Kamala Khan) on guitar. Mattea Murdock, AKA Daredevil, is on drums with RiRi William’s Riotheart on the keyboard. Finally, Captain Anarchy (Karl Morningdew) is on bass. These punk variant heroes feel right at home in the world of Earth-138. There is an edge to the Universe Hobie occupies, one that feels perfect for a band of punks.
Also introduced in the issue are the Earth-138 versions of T’Challa and Shuri. Surprisingly, both siblings share the mantle of Black Panther here. They also feel right at home in Earth-138 as writer Cody Ziglar expands on the world.
Punk Villains To Match
Spider-Punk: Arms Race is set after Spider-Punk thwarted President Norman Osborn, and the citizens fought back to reclaim the streets. To fill the void left behind by Osborn is Earth-138’s very own Doctor Octopus. The good Doctor is teaming up with Justin Hammer to forge Sentinels that seek out the Spider-Band. The debut issue also introduces a new gang known as “The Lzrdz.” This is a gang of villains that includes a punk version of The Lizard, Vulture, Sauron, and more. Spider-Punk and his crew are sure to have their hands full with all these villains.
Spider-Punk: Arms Race #1 is on sale now.