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‘Kill the Snitch’ is the first trial in The Outlast Trials and kickstarts the Program 1: Rule of Law segment. As the trial’s description states, “False witnesses must not be allowed to spread their false truths. Take the Snitch to the execution chamber and silence his lies.” The man they call “the Snitch” is strapped down to a chair by his hands and feet with a burlap sack over his head. The Reagent’s objective is to transport the Snitch on a dolly system all the way to the Execution Chamber.
Along the way, Reagents will encounter a few setbacks. These include a power blackout and the unlocking of three garage doors using keys hidden inside corpses around the Thin Blue Line station. New players may be a little overwhelmed by The Outlast Trials‘ ‘Kill the Snitch’ level, so here’s a brief rundown of everything you need to do.
‘Kill the Snitch’ Complete Walkthrough

The ‘Kill the Snitch’ trial can be accessed via the main terminal in The Sleep Room under the ‘Programs’ tab. Trials are graded based on a number of defining factors, namely how many players die, how many traps are triggered, and how many times an individual enters psychosis. On a base level, players are guaranteed at least these rewards:
- +1500 XP
- 500 Cash
- 1 Ticket
Players can complete the trial alone or cooperatively, as the trial will prompt this choice before commencing.
Infiltrate the Police Station

When the trial begins, you will spawn near a Police Station, and you are then tasked with infiltrating it. The front doors are blocked, so they have to find a different way inside. Try not to loiter for too long as an enemy lingering outside will become hostile.
To get inside the police station, head to the right of the front doors. There, you will find an open door leading to the back of a broken-down delivery truck. Go inside to find a window leading inside the police station. Another method of entry involves kicking in the door labeled ‘Jail’ across from the Cocktail Lounge, but doing so causes noise which could alert enemies.
Reach the Security Room

After entering the Police Station, players must now find the Security Room. This isn’t too difficult, although there are enemies scattered around, so approach with caution. There are various signs that point the way to the Security Room, so you’re a lot less likely to get lost.
Going inside the Security Room, as you did to enter the trial, triggers a cutscene.
Get to the Snitch

After the cutscene ends, you should go back through the Security Room terminals. Then, make your way past the hanging cup traps, take a left down the hall labeled ‘Holding Cells,’ and simply follow the track to the Snitch.
The Snitch is sitting in a chair attached to the tracks and the next objective is to push him along. But shortly after you commence pushing, the power will go out. In order to restore it, several generators must be powered.
Restore the Generators

Everything has been fairly straightforward thus far, but restarting the generators is where the difficulty kicks up a notch. You have to go through the parking garage to access the basement. Find the entrance by going to the back of the holding cells and following the path.
The door must be lifted manually, so do so as fast as possible to avoid the enemies lurking about. Look to the left of the entrance and you’ll come across a sign highlighting the generator room, but there’s always a catch: the generator needs fuel.
Fuel tanks can be found in various locations around the parking garage, Just pick one up and then approach the generator to fuel it. The most imposing of the enemies is the Warden, who brandishes an electrified weapon, so be sure to hide periodically so as not to attract unwanted attention.

Once the generator has enough fuel, approaching it will trigger a Tinker notification. Tamper with the circuits on both sides to restart it. The circuits should be flipped in order until they are all light up green. Afterwards, the generator must be cranked by stopping the dial once it enters the lit-up zone.
The second generator room is directly opposite the first one. Repeat the steps to restart the second generator. If you’re playing alone, there will only be two generators. Playing with friends, however, increases that number to four. Once the generators are on, make your way back to the Snitch the same way you came.
Find the Gate Keys

Push the Snitch until you reach a closed gate with a TV monitor hanging above it. A hint will appear on the TV monitor in the shape of a blue heart.
Make your way inside the yellow door with “Key” written on it, and you will come across a body on the floor with a blue heart imprinted on its chest. Interact with the corpse to search it and eventually pull the key from its heart. Use the key in the blue electrical panel near the gate.

After this is done, you’ll need to find three more keys hidden inside corpses to open other gates and clear the track’s path. The clues for each of these are on the TV monitor except the shapes varying each time.
Be wary of enemies walking around the police station. After unlocking all the gates, push the Snitch to his final resting place: the Electrocution Chamber.
Electrocute the Snitch

Once you reach the Electrocution Chamber, push the Snitch into position and activate the electrocution using one of several levers around the room. Hold the lever until the percentage on the TV monitor reaches 100% — essentially meaning the Snitch is dead.
When electrocuting the Snitch, the Warden will make his way over there. Run away when you hear him coming then wait patiently for him to leave again. Keep doing this until the Snitch is dead. To complete the trial, return to the terminal at the beginning of the map.