Netflix has announced that the first season on the animated Castlevania show will release this year. It will be a four-episode series, with each episode running about thirty minutes.
IGN spoke with producer Adi Shankar, who produced films like 2011’s wolf-punching epic The Grey and 2012’s “we got it right this time” comic adaptation Dredd. Shankar told IGN that the film will be an adaptation of Castlevania III: Dracula’s Curse. He is also extremely enthusiastic about the film, telling IGN: “This is very much Castlevania done in the vein of Game of Thrones.” He also stated that the show is “…Going to be R-rated as f**k… This is going to be the best f*****g video game adaptation we’ve had to date.”

Enthusiasm aside, Castlevania III has a good basis to draw an animated series from. It follows Trevor Belmont, of the vampire-hunting Belmont clan, trekking across Europe to try to stop Dracula from plunging it into darkness. He is accompanied by a few others, including Alucard, Dracula’s son. Shankar told IGN that the show’s animation style is inspired by Akira, Ghost in the Shell, and Young Justice.
Netflix did not announce a second season of Castlevania just yet, but it seems likely, as this four-episode run is technically called “Season 1, Part 1.” It sounds like it could be in the realm of something like Vampire Hunter D, so color me cautiously optimistic. There is no definitive release date yet, but the initial four-episode run is scheduled to come out this year. Stay tuned for more details, and hopefully, this Netflix series can help turn around a classic but recently misguided series.
Excited to see Netflix’s take on the vampire-hunting Belmont clan? Let us know what you want to see from the show in the comments below.