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For years, Dead by Daylight fans have begged for a 2v8 mode. Now, Behaviour is giving it a go. The iconic asymmetrical game is about to get a bit more asymmetrical with new rules, expanded maps, and (of course) double the killers. DbD‘s roster boasts dozens of original and licensed characters, and only some of them made the cut. The new mode promises to shake up the game and disrupt tried-and-true strategies, but it’s likely to be even more unbalanced than the core 1v4 mode. Here’s what we know about 2v8 mode and what it might mean for Dead by Daylight.
2v8 Mode Doubles the Terror

In the new mode, two killers will face off against eight survivors. After choosing their character, survivor players will then pick a class. That’s right: 2v8 mode ditches custom perk loadouts. Behaviour hopes the class system will encourage survivors to work together by filling role niches such as healing, speed, and objective completion. Killers, on the other hand, will have five characters to choose from: Trapper, Wraith, Hillbilly, Nurse, and Huntress. To reward teamwork, each killer has a unique ability. Cloak yourself as the Wraith, for example, and you’ll grant your partner the Undetectable status if they’re near enough. Meet Stealth Billy, everyone.
There will be five classic maps (including The MacMillan Estate, Autohaven, and Coldwind), but they’ve all been expanded to accommodate additional players. To keep Trials brisk, the new mode does away with hooks. Instead, players can now cage survivors from the ground like Pyramid Head. The devs have stated their intention to use this version of 2v8 as a starting point while continuing to iterate and expand upon it based on community feedback. Behaviour’s focus is on casual chaos rather than serious competition. That’s wise for a few reasons.
Balance and the Nurse Curse

Dead by Daylight‘s balance has improved over time. That said, there’s still a huge gap between the strongest and weakest killers. Trapper is an RNG-based weakling who either slaughters everyone in the basement or gets an 0k. Nurse is a hilariously overpowered movement killer who regularly stomps even the strongest teams. If players focus on killer cooperation and silly hijinks, 2v8 could be fun. If they focus on sweating for the 4k, the new mode will be miserable, especially as the community discovers killer synergies. Of course, the same can be said of 1v4.
Behaviour has attempted gameplay modifiers before (remember Lights Out and My Little Oni?). While fun diversions, they’ve never had the depth or staying power of the game’s core mode. 2v8 could change that for Dead by Daylight, but only if it doesn’t devolve into a sweatfest too miserable to enjoy. Between adding new content and balancing the old, Behaviour already has its hands full. Let’s hope 2v8 receives the time and attention it needs to flourish. Fingers crossed they add Bubba for double chainsaw action.
Dead by Daylight is available for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5,