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Wuthering Waves brings a flood of many characters with which to start your adventure. Whether you choose them for their kit or design, you must know everything about them. Our list of Wuthering Waves ranked characters includes their abilities and a few ideas on who fits best in a specific composition.
C Tier

- Lingyang: This is one of the most controversial characters in the Beta. Lingyang focuses on doing Glacio damage, but the problem is that his attacks are very slow. So, this resonator doesn’t really stand out like others.
- Taoqi: This is another resonator that does not exceed in terms of damage. However, her kit focuses on blocking attacks, which is ideal for those who find dodging and parrying difficult.
B Tier

- Jianxin: His kit is helpful for grouping, especially when dealing with small enemies. However, in the game, there are few opportunities for Jianxin to shine, especially if his buffs and attacks are not regular.
- Yangyang: This is another character specializing in grouping, so his skills are not so appreciated now. Yangyang also helps with Aero bonuses and AoD.
- Chixia: She is a Fusion Damage character, just like Encore. Chixia has good synergy with Mortefi, but the problem is that if you ever get Encore, you’d better remove this 4-star from your team.
- Aalto: Not exactly known for the damage he does to enemies, but his kit is ideal for a character like Jiyan due to the aero damage bonus he can provide.
- Yuanwu: He specializes in Electro DoT and can do it while off-field. He works well as one of the few Sub-DPS available at the moment. The downside is he also has shielder abilities, but like grouping, it is not as effective against the enemies in this version.
A Tier

- Baizhi: She is one of the best current healers in the game, more for being a 4-star character. She has a passive healing ability that heals your other units without being in the field. She can also do good damage, so she is more balanced than other ranked characters in Wuthering Waves.
- Verina: She is another healer; however, she can improve her damage level with her Spectro coordinated attacks. Also, her burst gives everyone on the team a bonus as she heals. On top of that, she is a flexible character who adapts to others without caring much about the attributes of others unless the stats they require are very specific.
- Mortefi: He has a simple gameplay in which he uses a lot of his burst to unleash Fusion coordinated attacks and do more DoT. He is the best for heavy attacks so that he can work with Jiyan.
- Calcharo: His Electro attacks and parry skills stand out, which make him a good partner for Yinlin. Besides, in Wuthering Waves, dodge and parry are the most critical skills for combat.
- Rover: The main character with the attribute Specto is a good unit. It is primarily thanks to their ability to freeze time by 3s and its decent amount of healing. However, there are better healers. Still, this makes them an excellent starting character.
- Encore: She is the Klee of Wuthering Waves; her kit allows her to place bombs and do incredible damage, making her a great DPS. She works well together with Mortefi, and the best part is that you can switch characters and activate her bombs afterward.
- Sanhua: She is one of the most powerful characters in Galacio and stands out for her damage. The only problem is when she faces enemies that move around a lot.
S Tier

- Jiyan: This one of the characters ranked with the best damage in Wuthering Waves, especially when activating his Huanglong mode. His attacks are flexible as he has ground and aerial combos, but it is here where he shines the most, as he specializes in AoE Areo damage.
- Danjin: She is one of the best resonators in the right hands. It takes someone skilled and excellent at avoiding attacks to make her shine, as her kit has an HP loss and gain mechanic. Also, Danjin has a significant damage output and can be a character who is always active on the field.
- Yinlin: She specializes in a more tactical combat mode, placing marks on her enemies to connect and imbue them with Electro damage. Switching Yinlin from the field to another Electro damage character will give the second character a bonus.
This list contains personal opinions; each player may have their fighting style, which may affect how you rate each resonator. Also, this ranking and the characters will change as new updates come to Wuthering Waves, so be sure to visit this article frequently.