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A staple of the survival-horror genre, the Silent Hill franchise is known for both its excellence in ambiance and terrifying creatures. But as the series now spans over 20 years, it’s a given that some monsters will stand out, right? From the Grey Children that pursue Harry in the original game to the Twin Victims that make The Room a residential nightmare, everyone’s favorite foggy town has a lot to fear. Here are the 10 most terrifying monsters to ever appear in the Silent Hill franchise, and what they symbolize.
10. Grey Children (Silent Hill)

The first creatures players face in Silent Hill, the Grey Children (also known as Demon Children), test your notion of humanity from the get-go. But their disturbing appearance is only the beginning, as their frantic laughter and mannerisms show both Harry and the player that what they are about to face will be nothing short of a nightmare.
The Grey Children are believed to be representations of how Alessa Gillespie viewed her classmates. They used to be among her biggest tormentors during her early years.
9. Twin Victims (Silent Hill 4: The Room)

Masahiro Ito’s favorite monster, the many Twin Victims (or Doubleheads) featured in The Room clinch a spot here thanks to the eerie feeling they give — courtesy of how their faces heavily resemble that of sleeping children. The enemy is also among the only in the franchise to not attack the player on sight. Instead, it will only react if attacked or after Henry gets close.
All of the Twin Victims found in Silent Hill 4: The Room are representations of the twins Billy and Miriam Locane, the seventh and eighth victims of serial killer Walter Sullivan. The resulting manifestation even gives the Outlast twins a run for their money.
8. Closers (Silent Hill 3)

A massive and imposing humanoid figure sprouting two gigantic and deformed lower arms, as well as a rotating mouth, the Closer is the first big threat Heather faces in Silent Hill 3 and one hell of a welcome to all the terrors to follow.
The creature is believed to be a representation of how Alessa viewed her mother as a child. Many fans also believe the monster to be a representation of the ideal of the perfect image and its engraved futility.
7. Split Head (Silent Hill)

The first boss in the franchise, the Split Head features one of the simplest but most disturbing designs in the franchise. Truly, just one look at its gigantic vertical mouth does the job of presenting to players the imminent danger, all while scarring many for life. Split Head is a devilish interpretation of the monster from the Lizard Story fairytale book. Players can find the book in the Otherworld version of the Midwich Elementary School Library.
6. Scarlet (Silent Hill: Homecoming)

Silent Hill: Homecoming is known for having some of the best creature designs in the post-Team Silent era, and Scarlet is a clear example of that. A tall porcelain-covered creature housing what seems to be the flesh and beating heart of Scarlet Fitch, her scream is still enough to send shivers down my spine and revive all of the discomfort I felt during the fight.
The creature is the representation of Martin Fitch’s daughter, Scarlet, who was brutally murdered by him as a sacrifice for the Order’s god. Many also believe the creature, as well as many of the game’s other monsters to be reincarnations.
5. Asphyxia (Silent Hill: Homecoming)

Another Silent Hill: Homecoming original and for many the game’s most terrifying creation, Asphyxia takes the form of an amalgamation of female bodies whose hands cover both its mouth and most sensitive areas. Games like Dead Space have played with body horror as well, but nothing hits quite like Asphyxia.
The creature is a warped representation of Nora Holloway, who was asphyxiated to death by her mother as a sacrifice. To add to that, the form of the monster is believed to be a reference to the Caterpillar in Lewis Carrol’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Alice in Wonderland was Nora’s favorite book. It’s implied that the Caterpillar was her favorite character within the work.
4. Abstract Daddy (Silent Hill 2)

One of the most disturbing creatures in the franchise, Silent Hill 2‘s Abstract Daddy is shown as an amalgamation of two bodies intertwined over what seems to resemble a bed. That form, however, is not its true one. Instead, it emerged after James Sunderland connected to Angela Orosco.
While seen through James’s eyes, the Abstract Daddy represents both the conflicting feelings he had toward his wife Mary, as well as Angela’s trauma over the years of relentless sexual abuse she suffered at the hands of her father and brother. Like many monsters here, it’s not only its appearance but also the context of the creature that makes Abstract Daddy truly terrifying.
3. Amnion (Silent Hill: Homecoming)

The final boss of Silent Hill: Homecoming, Amnion is the most visually disturbing monster in the franchise. Shown as a humanoid whose shoulders and ribs connect to a series of six mechanical spider-like legs, the creature also carries a corpse within its womb. To this day, there’s no conclusion as to what the monster truly represents, although many think it to be a distorted representation of Alex’s guilt over the death of his brother, Joshua.
2. Pyramid Head (Silent Hill 2)

If this was a list of the most iconic enemies in the franchise, he would be at the top. As that’s not the case, however, I hope Pyramid Head will be at home here. Overall, there’s not much that needs to be said here, as the feeling of having this ominous presence accompanying your every step in Silent Hill 2 made the Pyramid Head both the symbol of the franchise and the star of many nightmares (and crossover appearances).
In his Silent Hill‘s 2 literation, Pyramid Head represents the guilt that James carries over the murder of his wife Mary and is there to keep him accountable. He can also be seen as a manifestation of James’s desire for punishment. The creature later returned to the main franchise as The Bogeyman in Silent Hill: Homecoming (yeah, I also hated that).
1. Lisa (PT)

To the despair of all survival-horror fans, P.T. ended up being nothing more than the acclaimed taste of a possible mainline title now lost within the fog. But even if its existence was brief, the teaser managed to bring to fans one of the most unique monsters in the Silent Hill franchise: Lisa.
Lisa is the ghost of a woman murdered in cold blood by her husband while with a child, and she haunts the house featured in the teaser. In a clear case of less is more, the little we know of her adds another layer of fear. She’s ever-present during the playthrough, and her segments make Lisa the most terrifying Silent Hill monster to date.
You can currently play the Silent Hill games on multiple platforms.