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The dungeon crawler genre is all about the loot, treasure, and aged chests that might contain the finest items but won’t open. However, if you have a certain thing or choose the right character class, you’d be able to lockpick chests in Dark and Darker. But you think picking locks is just selecting the lockpick in your backpack, right?
Use Lockpicks

You can use lockpicks on interactable locked chests whenever you have them in your backpack. Press and hold F to enter the procedure, and then after a few seconds, a dial shows up with a pin. You have to wait for the pin to rotate, and then press Space Bar right when it reaches the yellow bar below the dial.
You’ll find lockpicks in ground loots and chests as you make progress in your adventure in Dark and Darker. Save them, and you’ll have the chance to open locked chests. But remember, if the pin goes full circle, or you miss the right time to press the Space, your lockpick will be wasted.
Use Rogue Class

As the name suggests, Rouge Class is thrilled to offer you the best thieves in town. The Rogue class offers you unlimited lockpicks, and you can fail as many times as you want when lockpicking in Dark and Darker. The procedure is the same though; no assists are given even though you’re playing as a pro thief.
Lockpicking in Dark and Darker costs an item, but sometimes the game doesn’t respect the value by offering things that you’ll find better as ground loot. This is a hit or miss, however, as locked chests might just contain the big reward you’ve been hunting for.
Dark and Darker is currently available to play on PC via Epic Games, Steam, and Blacksmith launcher.