Boom! Studios has announced Firefly: Malcolm Reynolds Year One, a new prequel series to the popular franchise. The series will detail Malcolm’s early adventures before he became the Captain of Serenity and its crew. Sam Humphries, who previously worked on Firefly: The Fall Guys, is writing the prequel. He is joined by newcomer artist Giovanni Fabiano. Also joining the team is colorist Gloria Martinelli who also worked on The Fall Guys miniseries. Together, this team is finally telling the untold tale of young Malcolm Reynolds before his turn as a captain.

According to the official synopsis, Firefly: Malcolm Reynolds Year One shows a Mal who has always been a troublemaker. However, before he becomes the Browncoat turned loveable captain we all love, there are things standing in his way. One of those obstacles is the Unification War, which is when this prequel takes place. The early days of the war are some of the most brutal as the Browncoats face a losing battle against the Alliance. Now, we will get to see how that war shaped Mal and potentially other characters from the franchise.
Writer Sam Humphries found diving into the first year of the Unification War an honor. He also found it wonderful to delve into the formative years of Firefly’s Mal. Even if Mal finds that the war is not as great for him as we have been led to believe. Of course, the gorgeous artwork of Giovanni Fabiano helps to really make the war come alive. Fabiano has also found the project a great honor and pleasure to work on. Specifically building the younger character models from their older models.
Firefly And Boom!
Boom! has been publishing Firefly comics since it nabbed the rights from Dark Horse which published under the Serenity movie license. The publisher brought a new era to fans that continued the space adventures beyond the film Serenity. Since then, the studio has released several ongoing series as well as limited runs and miniseries. This includes Firefly: Brand New Verse, The Sting, and Watch How I Soar.
Firefly: Malcolm Reynolds Year One #1 is on sale 09/04.