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The stages of being a Dragon Ball fan always amuse me. As kids, we all want to raise our hands and conjure up a spirit bomb to destroy that one annoying teacher. We then grow up and realize that training like the Z Fighters isn’t a bad idea. But then we grow even more and realize that Vegeta and Goku aren’t the only eye candy. Throughout the years, Dragon Ball has created some of the hottest waifus in its media. From anime to video games, all of these ladies are worth drooling over, in a respectful manner, of course. Today, we’ve made a list of the ten hottest ones that will surely enthrall even the proudest Saiyan.
10. Fasha

Dragon Ball already had a bunch of hot waifus around its first arcs, but one that hit harder than a Dragon Fist was Fasha. As part of Team Bardock, this lady Saiyan is one that many would love to be kicked by (no judging here). At the time, it was wild to see a female Saiyan, and many loved her quick yet memorable screentime. If it is your favorite lady, just make sure not to ask her out during a full moon; it might not be the greatest idea.
9. Launch

Launch is one of the hottest waifu options in Dragon Ball because you get two in one. The sneezing disorder that makes her swap between personalities is one of the craziest shenanigans in the series. However, that doesn’t mean it is bad. Depending on your mood, you can just throw dust in the air and watch poor Launch swap personalities. This assumes you’ll get on the good side of both of her personalities; if not, it might not be too enjoyable.
8. Gine

Dragon Ball Super: Broly did great things for the series. First, it made everyone’s favorite movie character canon. Second, it gave us a deeper glimpse at the Saiyan society on Planet Vegeta. However, the most important thing was seeing Goku’s mom, who was as cute as Saiyan. While she only lasted a few minutes on the screen, she will be forever in our hearts. I guess there goes another reason to hate Frieza even more.
7. Cheelai

Speaking of Dragon Ball Super: Broly, we never expected that movie to give us two of the hottest waifus in the series. Cheelai might not kick the same amount of butt as Broly, but she steals the show whenever she appears. Some even claim Cheelai is the alien version of Bulma, and I agree to an extent. She’s fun, cute, smart, and just someone you’d like to spend time with. Broly might’ve lost the fight, but he got himself a proper waifu.
6. Zangya

Depending on how old you are, you may or may not remember Zangya, one of the most memorable members of the Galaxy Soldiers. In the ninth Dragon Ball Z film, and a bit of time after the Cell arc ended, Gohan and friends encounter these soldiers who just want to rule the universe. Many might not even remember the plot of the movie, but I’m sure that you all remember how beautiful Zangya was. Again, the first lucky man to see this beauty was Krillin, which only makes me wonder if our short fighter is a lady magnet of sorts.
5. Caulifla

Say what you want about Caulifla, but we can all agree that she’s a beauty. As the first female Super Saiyan, she also got the spot as the hottest Saiyan waifu in Dragon Ball. Many don’t like how the series handled her character and how she reached Super Saiyan in the easiest possible way. However, that doesn’t take her looks away. Many were swooned by her, and with good reason.
4. Android 18

Android 18 is everyone’s favorite villainess-turned-hero character in the series. After kicking everyone’s butt during Cell’s arc and being absorbed by the green villain, it was nice to see her around as a mom, with a family, and Krillin (again, a lady magnet). While she was the badass waifu for a while, she became even better once she was part of the Tournament of Power. The soccer mom outfit choice might’ve not been the best for the tournament, but it doesn’t matter because Android 18 likely was everyone’s first Dragon Ball crush.
3. Android 21 (Evil)

The waifu who takes the spot as the third hottest in Dragon Ball is none other than Android 21 in her evil form. Dragon Ball FighterZ players will be more than familiar with this lady. As the antagonist of the game, she already stole our hearts since the first moment we saw her. However, her evil form made our jaws and ki drop. Some might not like the fact that she fuses with Cell, but once they look at her evil form, they won’t even care about how villainous she is. I know I don’t.
2. Towa

Towa is the true definition of femme fatale. She’s as sensual as she’s evil, and she is one of the original characters that players remember from the Xenoverse franchise. While we’d love to see more of her in other media, the stuff she does in the Xenoverse games is great. Plus, her design is one of the best in all the series, and many love her despite how evil she is.
1. Bulma

Finally, we’ve reached the number one spot. If you thought I had a thing for evil ladies (which I do), there’s one that will always be my number one: Bulma. That’s right. The OG, the inventor, the millionaire, the best mom and wife, and the hottest of all waifus in Dragon Ball is none other than Bulma. I could talk for hours about this lady, but I don’t want to get on Vegeta’s bad side. All I can say is that she’s one of the best characters in the series and steals the show every time she appears on any form of media.