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After having to only watch the red cyborg in MK11‘s story mode, Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos Reigns gives us the Master Armorer of the current timeline, Sektor. The missile-shooter robot is now a human wearing an Iron Man-looking suit, and her powers are beyond expectation. But is this the only time that Sektor has become the meta in the Mortal Kombat games ranking? There is one MK game in which Sektor is so OP that it was banned in tournaments.
Who Is Sektor?

Sektor is one of the dominant cyber-ninja figures that has appeared in the Mortal Kombat games since 1995. This red cyborg was the son of Lin Kuei’s Grandmaster, working alongside Sub-Zero, Cyrax, and Smoke to fulfil his vision of supremacy. However, Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos Reigns has altered the narrative, with Sektor now being the daughter of Lin Kuei’s master armorer and the love interest of Bi-Han.
6. Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3

Mortal Kombat 3 was the first MK game that had more cyborgs than ninjas. Introducing Cyrax, Smoke, and Sektor, the trio were so much fun to play due to their new and unique abilities. However, the Ultimate MK3 brought all the fighters around, and among them, Sektor wasn’t the OP kombatant.
He has the teleportation punch, direct missiles, and smart missiles as special moves, but they’re not the best for resetting combos. Speaking of which, Sektor’s combos in this game are not the best to chain like how Cyrax and Smoke can. We can even assume that Smoke is a better version of Sektor in this game, featuring a Scorpion-like spear that stuns the enemy, the exact same teleportation that Sektor has, and the invisibility; what a pack.
5. Mortal Kombat 9

Mortal Kombat 9 is where we met Sektor in both human and cybernetic form. However, the gameplay for both variations is the same, and his powers are limited due to the lack of combo restarters. Once again, he’s got the teleportation and missiles, but none of them are as efficient as Cyrax’s bombs for chaining combos. In general, Sektor is well-rounded and fine to play as in Mortal Kombat 9, but he’s not the best for competitive gameplay.
4. Mortal Kombat X

Mortal Kombat X features Triborg, which has all 3 Cyber Lin Kuei ninjas – plus hidden cyber Sub-Zero – as variations. Sektor’s moveset as Triborg is exactly the same as how it was in MK9, but a little better and smoother. You can feel that Sektor’s attacks are a little faster in Mortal Kombat X with larger hitboxes that add more damage to your combos. Not to mention that Sektor also has an air-dash special move in this game, which you can use to cancel the teleportation punishment.
3. Moral Kombat: Armageddon

It takes a heavy shot to become a meta character in Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, as there are many broken warriors in this game. However, Sektor thrives in this competition, placing himself on the top tier all thanks to one combo string that deals a ton of damage to the opponent.
Sektor’s Square/X – Square/X – L1/LB is something that you can use after launching the opponent in the air, and then chaining that with the Back – Circle/B for a 50% damage outcome. Some players can further chain this combo with an X/A – Square/X – Square/X in the end, which is super broken.
2. Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos Reigns

The dynamic cyber duo of Mortal Kombat games return in Khaos Reigns, and while Cyrax is an absolutely broken combo machine, Sektor sits on a high tier, a bit lower than the yellow armored Lin Kuei. In fact, Sektor is probably the best punisher in the game thanks to her super fast teleport special move. Speaking of which, almost every move with Sektor can be turned into a full combo by using teleportation and a meter.
1. Mortal Kombat 4/Gold

Liu Kang almighty, just what in the Dragon King did the developers think about Sektor in Mortal Kombat Gold? This is basically MK4 with more characters, and Sektor is featured as a hidden kombatant that beats every single fighter in the game.
The secret recipe? Just hop in, select the hidden section and choose Sektor. Then spam the Smart Missile special move; that’s it. Once you throw more than 2 rockets at the target, they’re done. Since there are no time penalties for launching rockets, you can send a dozen and then attack the enemy yourself so that you can break their guard. If not, then just grab the opponent and put them out of their defending misery.