There’s a huge cloud of concerns over Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 and Warzone, and users are complaining about different aspects of the games, such as its bad servers. But, a recent video of Call of Duty pros discussing the current situation of Warzone got me thinking again about what makes Call of Duty a better game and what saves it from the current situation. In my opinion, this game has huge priority issues right now.
OpTic Texas, a pro Call of Duty team, has recently posted a video on their YouTube channel where some of the well-known Call of Duty experts like Scump and Nadeshot discuss the current situation of Warzone. The video is titled “The Problem With Warzone,” and for the most part, it’s right.
Warzone needs to deliver better maps and improve the overall gameplay to meet the expectations of casuals and pros alike, but it also has some fundamental issues that need to be addressed first. And it’s like Call of Duty‘s recent updates with the bug fixes and LTMs prove just that.
Call of Duty Has Priority Issues

For Call of Duty to become a better game than it is, it needs better servers and a solid anti-cheat system that doesn’t allow Warzone players to laser beam the others with the Zombies mode’s wonder weapon. This has been the problem with the game since Warzone 1 back in 2020, and we are experiencing its worst state right now with Black Ops 6.
So, while adding the content that people love to see, like a good map with slick movement mechanics and OP Stim Shots, is a good thing to consider, none of that matters if I can’t play without packet burst errors and cheaters messing with the game. I think Nadeshot just gave us the best reality check with the current priority issues of Call of Duty in his channel, making constructive criticism about Black Ops 6.
If I get into a Ranked game of Multiplayer, there’s 3 things that are going to happen; one of the 3 things are guaranteed to happen. You’re either gonna play someone who’s blatantly hacking, aim locking, or closet walling. The Second thing that’s going to happen is if they’re cheating, and they’re about to lose the game, then they lag out the server. Strike number 3 is I play a game that all things considered, the players on the other team seem normal, and I feel like I’m about to have a normal Skyline Hardpoint,.. but I’ve got, like, a half a second delay on my bullets being shot from my gun, and I feel like I’m absolutely pissed on even though these numbers are telling me that I’ve got a low ping.
And it’s not even on the Ranked Play. It’s not like every single game has these 3 issues, but they are the real priorities that Activision needs to focus on if they want Call of Duty to continue being this big deal as it is. Everywhere you look in the communities, the official CoD social media accounts, YouTube, literally anywhere there’s a comment section about Call of Duty, there are people begging for better servers and a working anti-cheat for the game.
So while it’s ok to have good maps, a balanced meta, and solid movement mechanics, they’re not the current priorities of Call of Duty: Warzone and Black Ops 6. I’d have this hot take to get a Season of BO6 without any extra content just to see if these two issues are completely solved because we can always wait for new maps and guns to arrive, but we can’t forever play a game that’s broken.