It seems that the Mad Dog of Shimano persona of Majima might not be coming to Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii right from the start, according to a recent interview with Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio. Besides the in-depth naval combat and the plethora of side activities, players are excited to see the beloved Goro Majima return to an adventure of his own. However, the story might take a more serious turn before showing us the Mad Dog, who hides under giant traffic cones.
According to an interview made by Automaton Japan, the team behind Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii shared more information regarding the game’s story, Majima, and his beloved Mad Dog persona. While talking about the game, the developers were asked about “serious Majima,” and Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii‘s producer, Ryosuke Horii, said the following:
Becoming a pirate is not the goal, so there are several goals after that, and there are passionate developments towards those goals, and the bond with friends is also depicted. The main story is not particularly silly, and it is a manly drama. Of course, there are some crazy parts in the other detours, but overall I think it is a story about a very consistent, passionate man.
Ryosuke Horii via Automaton JP translated with Google Translate.
Ugaki Hidenari, the voice actor of Majima, also mentioned the following:
Even when I’m dressed as a pirate, there are many aspects of me that aren’t over the top.
Ugaki Hidenari via Automaton JP translated with Google Translate.
From what we can gather, Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii won’t be full of goofy moments from start to finish, and well, it was a bit expected. Ultimately, the Like a Dragon series has many serious themes, which can get dark quickly, and Majima’s new voyage shouldn’t be an exception. Still, we’re curious to see how the plot will handle an amnesiac Majima who we imagine will eventually return to its Mad Dog persona we’ve seen since its birth in Yakuza 0.
With a month and a few days away from its official release, fans are excited for Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii. The latest RGG Direct showcased more of the gameplay aspects coming to the game. We covered the trailer in more detail here if you want to check it out. But in short, it’s nice to see that this next entry in the Like a Dragon series seems as packed as any of the other mainline entries. Hopefully, we’ll get a few clues regarding the next journey of Ichiban’s party or some news about the legendary Dragon of Dojima during Majima’s new game.