There’s been a buzz going on in the Mortal Kombat community in the past couple of days courtesy of a secret pink ninja called “Floyd.” Alongside that, there’s a new stage added with Floyd to Mortal Kombat 1 called The Field which looks very much to be a new level in Tekken 8. This has caught the attention of both communities, and fans love the idea.
In case you didn’t know, the pink Floyd ninja in Mortal Kombat 1 is a secret fighter that requires you to pass The Labours of Hercules to find him, or you might just be a lucky soul and confront him randomly. This kombatant is a mix of all MK ninjas like Scorpion and Sub-Zero, borrowing their moves with a slash of electricity to make them look cooler in the visuals. But, the place where you ultimately fight Floyd is a stage unlike any other you’ve ever seen.
The visual quality of this map looks stunning and so realistic, with the sunset in the background and grasses moving to the song of the wind. But it’s a very different-looking stage from the ones we have had in recent years with Mortal Kombat games. No shrine, streets, or temples. In fact, the Floyd stage in Mortal Kombat 1 fits very well into a game like Tekken 8, especially if it’s not infinite.
A recent post on Reddit has been a nice touch over this topic about Tekken 8 implanting such a stage into their game. By the looks of it, the Floyd stage from Mortal Kombat 1 is infinite, but it’s not. It’s got a limit, and you can’t walk passed the invisible walls. But Tekken doesn’t do the invisible wall thing, and that might be why they’re not adding a stage like The Field to their game.

There were many open stages in the previous Tekken games, the most iconic of them being the Moonlit Wilderness and Infinite Azure. But, an open stage makes some characters weaker/stronger than they should be, and it becomes a way of escape and killing time for the players. Currently, the largest map in Tekken 8 with the farthest walls behind each fighter is the Yakushima. But will we ever see another infinite map deep in nature in a Tekken game? Fingers crossed for those who like them.