Veteran Senator for Vermont, Bernie Sanders, has delivered a blistering attack on President Trump in a viral YouTube video. In the incredible video, Sanders accuses Trump of “aligning himself with the dictator of Russia, Vladimir Putin.” Sanders goes on to fact-check some of the president’s claims, dismissing them as lies.
For a long time, Bernie Sanders has been known as a pro-democracy senator not afraid to voice his opinion. In his latest viral video on his official YouTube channel, he does just that. Sanders delivers a scathing condemnation of Donald Trump, not attempting to hold back or mine his words.
Senator Sanders begins by saying he wants to discuss what he considers a “very, very serious issue.” He goes on to openly accuse President Trump of aligning himself with Russian President, Vladimir Putin. He states that Trump’s actions have “undermined the independence of Ukraine and its democracy.” Remarkably, Bernie Sanders says this means Trump sees “one of the world’s most brutal dictators as his friend.” Further, he suggests that, by extension, this means Trump sees European democracies as his enemy. Sanders explains that Trump wants a world that is “safe for authoritarians and oligarchs”, but not for democracies.
Bernie Sanders then goes on to claim that “Trump is lying” with his statements regarding the Russia-Ukraine war. He points out that Trump said Ukraine started the war, which is blatantly false. Although it was three years ago, surely nobody can forget that moment when global media reported Russia’s sudden full-scale invasion of its neighbor. As Sanders points out, Russia currently occupies around 20% of Ukraine. And, although estimates vary, around 1 million people have been killed in the horrific war.
Senator Sanders also points out that Trump branded Ukrainian President Zelensky a “dictator.” Sanders dismisses this suggestion, however, stating that Zelensky “won 75% of the vote in free elections.” It’s true that elections have been suspended due to martial law, but that’s hardly the same as a dictatorship.
President Trump also sought to downplay European aid, claiming that the US had helped Ukraine more than Europe. Sanders said that was another lie, with Europe providing more aid than the United States.
To conclude, Bernie Sanders accuses Trump of “cozying up to Vladimir Putin” because the Russian dictator seeks the build the sort of world that Trump desires. A world of authorianism. Sanders describes how Putin maintains an iron grip over Russia by stifling political dissidents. The senator suggests, however, that “is not the perspective of the American people.” He calls on all Americans, “regardless of political perspective”, to fight for democracy.