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One of the new creatures you’ll face in Monster Hunter Wilds is the Quematrice. Combining the agility of a cockatrice and the fire from the word “Quemar,” which means burn in Spanish, this creature is a deadly combination that can catch more than one hunter off guard. Fortunately, once you learn about its weaknesses, an encounter with one shouldn’t last long. Here, we’ll walk you through some of Quematrice’s weaknesses and the strategies we used to defeat this monster.
Quematrice Weaknesses

Before trying to perform any of the new moves in Monster Hunter Wilds, we need to talk about Quematrice’s weaknesses. This creature stands tall on its two legs, has short arms, and a long tail that it uses to launch fire attacks. Beyond that, this bird-like monster tends to attack quickly with its beak when you’re close to it, so that means there are two things you need to break quickly: its head and its tails. These two are breakable parts but not weak points. Still, taking care of them will make the fight much easier. If you want to attack this monster’s weakest points, you need to aim for the neck and the chest.
Alternatively, you can use certain elemental attacks, too. The Quematrice is weak to the following elemental and status effects:
- Water
- Poison (Super Effective)
- Paralysis (Super Effective)
You can use other elemental attacks, but they aren’t as effective as the above. For items, you can use Flash Pods, Shock Traps, and Pitfall Traps. Also, whatever you do, do not use fire attacks because the Quematrice is immune to them. Last but not least, slash damage is the most effective against all of its weak points. You can use blunt and piercing attacks, too, but the monster won’t take as much damage from them.
Hunt Strategy

Alright, onto the important part: defeating your first Quematrice in Monster Hunter Wilds. If possible, try to start the fight with a sneak attack. Quematrice are lone beasts, and you can usually find one drinking water or roaming the Windward Plains. Sneaking behind them is quite easy, so make use of that. Once the fight begins, follow these steps:
- Stay on its tail at all times.
- The Quematrice will set things ablaze, including you, with its tail. This can make the fight quite annoying. For that, try to destroy it as soon as you can. Focus on it with slashing attacks or a water-infused weapon.
- Wait for its pecking combo to end and hit its head.
- When you’re in front of it, the Quematrice will do a 4-5 hit pecking combo on the ground. It might not stagger you, but it will chip away your HP quickly. Always wait for its combo to end and move in to get a few hits in.
- Beware of the flaming material on the ground.
- One thing that Quematrice will do during the fight is throw flaming material on the ground and then light it up with its tail. You need to watch out where this material lands to avoid it. Once again, cutting the tail off is the best thing you can do during the fight.
As a last tip, try to bring a good slashing weapon, such as a Great Sword or Long Sword. While you can defeat this monster with any weapon, slashing damage is highly effective, so using any of those armaments will make the fight much easier.
Quematrice Materials
Assuming you’ve hunted or captured your first Quematrice, you’ll have a chance to get the following items:
- Low Rank Materials:
- Quematrice Scale (Common)
- Quematrice Hide (Common)
- Quematrice Crest (Common/Broken Part)
- Quematrice Tail (Common/If the tail is severed)
- Quematrice Igniter (Rare)
- Quematrice Certificate (Very Rare/Quest-related)
- High Rank Materials
- Quematrice Scale+ (Common)
- Quematrice Hide+ (Common)
- Quematrice Crest+ (Common/Broken Part)
- Quematrice Tail (Common/If the tail is severed)
- Quematrice Igniter+ (Rare)
- Quematrice Certificate S (Very Rare/Quest-related)
- Wyvern Gem (Very Rare)