Few family restaurants offer the quintessential American breakfast like a Waffle House. Indeed, its combination of syrupy pancakes, buttery grits, crispy bacon, and of course, their signature fluffy waffles make for a delicious start to your day. After all, it’s right there in the name, right? But, the darker side of Waffle House is the alarming fact that it’s occasionally home to some crazy food-flinging fights. Case in point, a fresh-out-of-the-pan Waffle House brawl has just been served and it takes place in Texas.
The chaotic video kicks off straightaway with Waffle House employees on one side, and a group of customers on the other. Plates, glasses, and cutlery are being hurled, and there’s a consistent din of noise emanating all around the store as tensions ratchet up to a fever pitch. Shortly into the clip, you can hear onlookers yelling things like, “Holy sh*t!“, “What’s going on?” and “Take that sh*t to go, bro!” One man in Nike trainers can even be seen hopping on a chair in an attempt to keep his shoes clean from the mess on the floor.
Around the halfway point of the video, there’s a brief exchange between the customers and a staff member. “Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! Have you all eaten?” In response, the employee is met with a chorus of “no’s” and “nah’s“. “We’re gonna have to shut it down.” exclaims the worker. The large group of customers then start to exit the premises. “This sh*t’s crazy.” utters one patron under his breath.
Outside of the Waffle House establishment, we get to see the reaction of a couple customers who were involved in the brawl, with one expressing, “I swear I got hit in my neck, bro.” with another saying, “I smell like hot sauce.” It’s currently unclear what started the all-out brawl.
As expected, the wild clip is garnering a lot of attention on the internet, with plenty of netizens weighing in with their thoughts. Over on Reddit, one commenter was amused by the man stood on the chair, writing, “Respect to the guy in the Jordans trying to keep them clean“. Elsewhere, another user joked, “Dinner and a show“.