For over seven years, California dad and former Simpsons producer Rick Polizzi has been in a legal dispute with the city of Los Angeles regarding a treehouse on his property. Based on a treehouse in an episode of The Simpsons, the 3-story fort was built by Polizzi 24 years ago as a present to his daughters. The treehouse has since become a community icon and a gathering spot of sorts in the neighborhood. Unfortunately, the joy that the beloved attraction brought over the years has come to an end.

Due to a Simpsons-themed Halloween party and likely many other get-togethers at Polizzi’s LA treehouse, the California dad suffered a lawsuit from an annoyed neighbor, which eventually turned into criminal charges. For some bizarre reason, the city has sided with the neighbor, resulting in legal costs of over $50K, Polizzi claims. Unable to deal with the trial any longer, KTLA 5 reports that the California homeowner and his loved ones had a final goodbye for the treehouse last weekend before tearing it down.
Miraculously, the treehouse is still standing as of writing, but Polizzi doesn’t have his hopes up yet since the petty city still hasn’t provided legal protection for the structure. That said, the internet is in an uproar about the matter. The online community is in overwhelming support of Polizzi while condemning the neighbor who brought about the lawsuit. “It takes one Karen and a greedy city, to destroy a lot,” remarks a Facebook user. “It’s always a Karen,” seconds a YouTube viewer. “Karen is just jealous!” exclaims a third.
“Hey LA why don’t you focus on getting all the homeless people off the sidewalks and break up all those tent cities instead of harassing hard working people,” comments another FB user. “So dumb,” they conclude, to which hundreds upvoted in agreement. “Whoever reported the tree house is pathetic,” chimes in another. It goes without saying that Redditors are just as brutally frank to both LA officials and the ‘Karen’ neighbor.
“All it takes is one s***ty neighbor,” groans an individual. “Which neighbor filed suit? I want to go introduce myself to him and maybe beat the karen out of him,” remarks an aggressive commenter. “Imagine all the things in LA more pressing than this guy’s treehouse to put resources into?” questions a third. “They should let a homeless person move into it, then the city will ignore it,” sarcastically says a fourth.
That said, even though the California treehouse is still standing, hopefully, city council members will come around and see it for the community hub and neighborhood treasure that it is.