The internet is in an uproar as the Jeffrey Epstein Files have been released — but maybe not in the way people hoped. Attorney General Pam Bondi told Fox News that there are over 250 victims named in the files, an alarming number that “will make you sick.” Yet, instead of releasing everything to the public at once, the White House has decided to take a ‘drip marketing’ approach of sorts by having hand-picked influencers receive Phase 1 of the files. These privileged individuals’ reactions, however, have disgusted countless users online.
In a video posted by MAGA Voice on X, the influencers can be seen leaving the White House while holding binders titled “The Epstein Files: Phase 1.” A pompous “The Most Transparent Administration” is printed near the bottom. The whole scene looks like they are walking out of a theater or an exclusive PR event for a movie or video game premiere. What ticked off many people, though, is how these X creators are seen smiling and waving their binders around in celebration, as if they won the lottery.
“Why are they smiling? The sex trafficking of minors is nothing to be celebrating or smiling about,” remarks a podcast host. “They act like they just won something 😳,” comments another. “You know it’s a victory for them. But there’s nothing in there to celebrate. Horrible,” chimes in a third. In other words, the influencers are seemingly celebrating the privilege of being hand-picked to get ‘early access’ to the Epstein Files, along with the massive potential engagement they’ll get from this event.
One female influencer, in particular, has really grinded the gears of the internet, as she can be seen posing with a wide grin toward the cameras on her. “Mind you, she’s all goofy while holding files of the sex trafficking of minors,” points out a commenter. “There’s so much pain and suffering in the real files, not the props they are holding, and this b**** is smiling 🤬,” angrily remarks a second. “Utter disgrace of a human being,” states a third. In the video below, YouTuber Off Topic Show argues that whatever these influencers will release will probably be heavily censored.
More comments call out the influencers and the whole “PR event” as “disgusting,” “pathetic,” and “completely tone-deaf.” Whatever the case, at least this is the start of something in the right direction regarding justice being carried out for the victims named in the files. Big names, such as Hollywood celebrities and American politicians, might be connected to these victims, similar to the so-called list involved with Diddy and his allegations.