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World of Warcraft turned 19 years old in November. Not many games have managed to remain relevant for this long. It is a remarkable accomplishment. Furthermore, Blizzard has recently sparked WoW fever again with the announcement of not one but three upcoming expansions titled the Worldsoul saga. With such an ambitious promise and the development team’s confidence to deliver on this goal, now is the perfect time to return to World of Warcraft in 2024.

Why You Should Play World of Warcraft in 2024
The past two years have been a time of rebirth and change within World of Warcraft. After the less-than-stellar performance of the previous WoW expansion, Shadowlands, Blizzard took a step back and created Dragonflight with a new goal. Instead of developing the game entirely based on what the players wanted, they listened to the community and gave fans what they wanted.
World of Warcraft in 2024 is a substantial pivot from what has come from Blizzard over the past couple of years. The developers have listened to player feedback and broken down barriers, creating pain points for a twenty-year-old game. Retail WoW now allows Horde and Alliance to play together and has also put a new focus on respecting player time. Furthermore, World of Warcraft in 2024 includes consistent content patches and a promise of a new expansion called The War Within to start a new three-expansion Worldsoul saga.
New content has also come to WoW Classic. The development team has introduced the Season of Discovery to change how the original game is played. This, combined with the upcoming release of Cataclysm Classic, gives players options when it comes to engaging with Azeroth.

Chris Metzen Returns to WoW
During BlizzCon 2023, players were given a substantial gift. Chris Metzen, the voice of Thrall and one of the original creators of Warcraft, returned to the game. Metzen left Blizzard shortly after the Legion expansion launched, a decision that many say started the decline in WoW‘s quality. However, his return as the executive creative director has made people way more excited about World of Warcraft in 2024.

The Worldsoul Saga
While on stage at BlizzCon 2023, Metzen dropped a bomb on the audience. While fans expected a new expansion announcement, Blizzard stunned the crowd by announcing the next three expansions. Titled the Worldsoul saga, Blizzard promised to deliver a narrative arc across these three expansions:
- The War Within (Starts of the Worldsoul saga for World of Warcraft in 2024)
- Midnight (Return to Quel’thalas and the next part in the Worldsoul saga)
- The Last Titan (Final expansion of the Worldsoul saga and a return to Northrend)
This narrative included plot points long in the making regarding the Titans and their motives for Azeroth. Furthermore, it detailed a return to fan-favorite areas such as Quel’thalas and Northrend.

The first of the expansions will drop for World of Warcraft in 2024. Anticipated in late summer, The War Within introduces the Earthen allied race and new zones that take players into the deepest depths of Azeroth.
Season of Discovery and Cataclysm Classic

While World of Warcraft retail introduces an overarching saga, WoW Classic is also trying new and exciting ways to shake up the game. Blizzard is continuing its release of old expansions with Cataclysm. Players will once again be able to take on Deathwing and experience the game as it was in 2010.
That is not it for World of Warcraft in 2024. WoW Classic is also currently undergoing the Season of Discovery. Players have learned new ways to play, including tanking Warlocks or healing Mages. With no test server, these secrets have been discovered by the community and come in phases. There are currently two phases for World of Warcraft in 2024, with more on the way as Season of Discovery evolves.
Respecting Player Time – World of Warcraft in 2024
Blizzard’s new philosophy of respecting the player’s time and consistently providing something new has shined. Throughout 2023, the company almost always had something on its test servers. Content releases didn’t just focus on raids or dungeons. Cosmetic rewards, outdoor activities, and ongoing narrative beats were a focus, and the company has provided road maps to keep its fanbase up to date on what to expect.

Blizzard’s roadmap shows players will be eating well with World of Warcraft in 2024. There are plenty of surprises to look forward to and an additional season while The War Within approaches completion. Between Classic and retail, you have plenty of reason to return to World of Warcraft in 2024.