Who knows what the heck is in some ingredients, seasonings, and spices, but people can sometimes completely lose their minds when they can’t get enough of that delicacy. Like this woman on a Reddit video who freaked out when the McDonald’s drive-thru didn’t give her enough ranch sauce, to which she responded by going to the kitchen and doing a whole show with twerking included. It sparked several comments of laughter, disgust, and even more confusion.
The video is two years old, but it gained more views thanks to Redditor ambachk sharing it on r/ImTheMainCharacter. In this video, a woman ordered at a McDonald’s drive-thru, but when she realized there was no ranch sauce, she took matters into her own hands. The woman suddenly appears inside the restaurant’s kitchen, demanding her ranch sauce and yelling at all the paralyzed employees. After so much fighting, an employee finally gives the ranch sauce to the woman, who leaves McDonald’s using the drive-thru window; not satisfied with that, she attacks again, twerking.
One thing that caught the viewers’ attention in this video is that the woman had the “courage” to enter the kitchen barefoot. We are not against how chain restaurants run their cleanliness standards or how employees do their hygiene tasks for fryers and the like. It’s just that usually, in fast food restaurants, kitchens are full of grease and food debris, especially while they are open and in the middle of the rush hour.
Jesus Christ you are right. She just walked into the kitchen of a restaurant bare feet. That’s like a health code violation
Another thing we can’t overlook is that this woman also left the confrontation in the most elegant way possible.
What’s with the twerking? No matter what the situation is there has always got to be twerking in there somewhere.
Many users responded that it was probably a mating ritual or to mark her territory, as in the form of asserted dominance over the McDonald’s employees so they remember that she was in charge. Wherever you look at it, this is an event that no one will ever forget.