Update 8.1.185 has arrived for Age of Empires 4, and here are the bug fixes and changes that came with this patch. It’s been a while since we saw the previous patch for this game. Age of Empires 4 doesn’t get many content additions, so the updates mostly fix the commonly reported problems. Today’s patch is no different; there are bug fixes and small changes on various subjects. Those changes will be effective on the background, so we’re glad to see a patch even though it doesn’t bring new content. Here are the patch notes for Age of Empires 4 update 8.1.185.
Age of Empires 4 Update 8.1.185 Patch Notes Include Various Bug Fixes

AI Updates – Age of Empires 4 Update 8.1.185 Patch Notes
- * Fixed an issue that caused the AI to miscalculate the damage of buildings with garrisoned units. AI should no longer treat outposts as harmless if there are units inside.
- * Mongol AI will place blacksmith and some military production buildings near Ovoo when relocating to take advantage of improved technologies.
- * AI’s logic for assigning villagers to gather from resources has been improved.
- * AI army will now try to move in formation when traveling to attack or defend a target. Siege engines and slower units will now move together with faster units giving AI a better chance to utilize the whole army.
- * Issue with AI archers being idle after fleeing has been fixed.
- * AI will now build the first mining camp close to its Town Center early in the game.
- * AI now uses more villagers to construct landmarks and wonders.
- * AI will fall back from battles it is losing more reliably.
- * AI player’s monks will now correctly travel with, heal, and buff their allies.
- * AI is now more restricted for executing market trades. It won’t execute trade for resources that it needs when it’s gathering same resource decently. It will only go for market trades that make sense.
- * Accelerated and generally improved AI’s first Town Center placement logic in Nomad mode.
- * Fixed AI sometimes repeatedly choosing the same bad spot to build their first Town Center in Nomad mode, destroying it and trying again or sometimes completely failing to choose a good construction spot.
AI Scout Changes
- * AI players will now actively scout for nearby enemy units after they have been harassed in their territory.
- * AI scouts now collect sheep in Revealed games.
- * AI’s scouts drop sheep off at the base more often.
- * Scout pathfinding when grabbing sheep has been improved around shores.
- * AI will use their scouts to observe enemy bases more often.
- * AI’s scouts no longer deliver sheep to allies on revealed maps.
- * AI players’ scouts will no longer attempt to steal sheep from near allied bases.
- * Tech Trees option has been removed from the pause menu.
- *Fixed a bug in campaign missions where a villager would not automatically build a structure if placed where the villager is standing.
- * Fixed a problem that could cause the enemy AI to stop attacking during the Lumen Shan mission.
- * The Clever Commerce French Mastery description has been updated for clarity.
- * Fixed a bug where the “Quick Study” achievement was not awarded if the Ottoman or Malian masteries were completed.
UX/UI & Menus (All Platforms) – Age of Empires 4 Update 8.1.185 Patch Notes
- * Fixed an issue to ensure Mod tooltips will appear wide enough to contain the full mod title without breaking the characters into multiple lines.
- * Fixed an issue to ensure that if Voice Chat has been disabled, it can be re-enabled during a match.
- * The relic icon is now centered, when selecting a building with a relic inside.
- * The resource in the deposit and the extraction rate stats are now on the same line when selecting the Ovoo. The player’s name is not cut off anymore.
As you see above, the bug fixes are for various problems, so the developers aren’t focusing on a particular issue. The game is currently one of the most-played games of the franchise. Since Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition came out, the Age of Empires we loved in the past is playable with good graphics and solid features. The series’ latest game offers different fun in the content, and that’s why the fanbase liked it. Especially thanks to the Xbox Series upgrades, the entire franchise’s remakes started delivering a solid experience.
Age of Empires 4 is available on PC,