Today, the team at Relic Entertainment and World’s Edge studios went live with update 5.2.131 for their popular RTS Age of Empires IV, along with the accompanying patch notes. The 5.2.131 update to Age of Empires will bring various bug fixes, changes, a new event, and more. With a moderate list of patch notes, the community can expect many changes to things they are familiar with. So, without any more introduction, read the full patch notes for the Age of Empires IV 5.2.131 update.
Age of Empires IV update patch 5.2.131
In Patch 5.2.131, we’re enhancing the Hardest AI Difficulty to provide a far more difficult and engaging experience for those of you seeking a challenge. Also, you’ll now be able to correctly remove your map pool downvotes if you change your mind.
We’re also providing a sneak peek of some of the next events upcoming in Season Three!
- Hardest AI Difficulty Improved
- Downvote Bug Fixed
- New Event: Lunar Faire
- New Event: Kindred Spirits
Thanks again to our amazing community members, all of whom have helped to make Age of Empires what it is today!
—The Age of Empires Team
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that prevented players from un-downvoting maps that have been removed from the matchmaking map pool.
New Hardest AI Difficulty
Previously, the goal of the Hardest AI was to serve the role of a real live opponent, but we realize many of you desire to have an AI experience that is more intense with the odds stacked against you. To that end, we are giving the Hardest AI a resource-gathering boost. We look forward to hearing what you think about this new level of challenge!
AI Changes
- The Hardest AI now receives a 2x resource gathering bonus. This also affects income received from passive sources such as sacred sites and relics.
- Hardest AI military production changed to start earlier than before to allow the AI to make attacks earlier.
- Easy AI will now build fewer defensive structures and will raid less.
Developer Note: This change was intended for new players against Easy AI Difficulty, so they won’t need to build so defensively early on in the game.
- AI early resource gathering has been adjusted:
- Reduced the preference for early stone gathering when the AI is not being defensive.
- Increased wood gathering preference while transitioning to the Feudal Age.
- Malian AI starting economy changed to prefer to gather more wood to afford an Open Pit Mine earlier.
- Delayed when the Malian AI will start to produce cattle to prevent the AI from overspending on them too early.
- Adjusted the AI logic for producing anti-building siege units to improve the AI’s production of rams and trebuchets when faced with enemy walls and defenses.
- Adjusted the AI logic for producing fishing boats to lower their priority when the AI has a stronger need for naval military ships.
- Adjusted the AI to prevent it from desiring to build a wonder if its team or the enemy already has one.
- Adjusted the AI logic when it has an allied Wonder on its team to prevent it from going overly defensive too quickly. The AI will now consider the time remaining on its team’s Wonder victory timer and its comparative military strength before deciding whether it should be defensive or to continue aggression.
- Improved how the AI uses multiple Fireships at once to attack enemy ships.
- Fixed a bug that was preventing the AI from performing one type of its harassment attacks.
- Fixed a bug where the AI would allow its Villagers to fight back against enemy harassment that would still end up not being in its own favor. The AI will be less tolerant of how many Villager casualties it would take if it decided to fight back instead of fleeing.
- Fixed a bug with the AI distributing its Fishing Boats among many deep-sea fish deposits instead of prioritizing assigning them to the closest sources to the dock as much as possible.
Season Three Event: Lunar Faire
In just a few days, dance in the moonlight during our next event of Season Three, the Lunar Faire! The Lunar Faire runs from January 23rd through to February 9th, so be sure to mark your calendars and claim your Lucky Envelope!
Season Three Event: Kindred Spirits
After the celebrations are over with Lunar Faire, revel in beauty, love, and good health in our upcoming event Kindred Spirits! Kindred Spirits begins on February 10th and runs through to February 15th, so don’t miss out on your rewards!
What’s on the Horizon
Coming Up…
Be sure to log in during our Season Three Events Lunar Faire and Kindred Spirits to claim your rewards! After the upcoming events, we’ll be nearing the end of Season Three and draw ever closer to the end of the ranked season, which comes to a close on February 15th. We’ll be announcing Ranked Season Four dates soon, but until then, our Season Four Public Update Preview is running right now through to January 23rd! If you want a sneak peek into Enchanted Grove and what else Season Four will bring, you can participate in the PUP and become an Age Insider!
To join the Age of Empires Insider Program, you must meet the following requirements:
Have an
Be 18 or older. All Insiders are required to read and sign a non-disclosure agreement to participate in any playtesting opportunities.
To participate in the Public Update Preview, please review our support documentation here.
Please note that this list is subject to change and should not be considered a comprehensive list of all the known issues we’re tracking. The above is to inform you of the team’s current priorities, which will change as other issues arise or take precedence.
After reading through the patch notes for the Age of Empires IV 5.2.131 update, you can find the game available on PC and