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Taoist monk Jianxin is fiercely disciplined in the martial arts. Still, even though her technique is very refined, she has a lot of room for improvement. While an excellent unit in Wuthering Waves, Jianxin has a lower base ATK than others. As a result, gathering the materials to improve her Ascension and Forte is crucial. This Resonator stands out for being a flexible character that can function as Support, DPS, or a Hybrid. Her most prominent advantage is that she can create shields for the rest of your team and group enemies. So, if you have her on your roster, believe me, Jianxin will not disappoint you.
Wuthering Waves Jianxin Ascension Materials

Enhancing Jianxin’s rank level is crucial to unleashing her full potential. You require these specific materials to do so:
Rank 1 (Level 20 – 40) | LF Whisperin Core x4 Shell Credit x5,000 |
Rank 2 (Level 40 – 50) | Roaring Rock Fist x3 Lanternberry x4 MF Whisperin Core x4 Shell Credit x10,000 |
Rank 3 (Level 50 – 60) | Roaring Rock Fist x6 Lanternberry x8 MF Whisperin Core x8 Shell Credit x15,000 |
Rank 4 (Level 60 – 70) | Roaring Rock Fist x9 Lanternberry x12 HF Whisperin Core x4 Shell Credit x20,000 |
Rank 5 (Level 70 – 80) | Roaring Rock Fist x12 Lanternberry x16 HF Whisperin Core x8 Shell Credit x40,000 |
Rank 6 (Level 80 – 90) | Roaring Rock Fist x16 Lanternberry x20 FF Whisperin Core x4 Shell Credit x80,000 |
You can obtain Whisperin Core as a reward for some of the stages of the Forgery Challenge or from normal enemies such as the Warrior, Predator, Snipp Snap, Zig Zag, and Whiff Whaff. However, you must also challenge Feilian Beringal Boss to obtain the Roaring Rock Fist; this enemy is in Giant Banyan. Also, to improve her Ascension level in Wuthering Waves, you must collect some resources from nature, and Jianxin needs Lanternberryen. This is a plant that you can find around Tiger’s Maw Mine.
All Jianxin Forte Materials

Improving the Forte means improving or increasing the effectiveness of the Resonator’s abilities. In Wuthering Waves, the best strategy for Jianxin is to start by gathering the materials and strengthening her Forte Circuit, followed by a Basic attack. To do this task, you need:
Main Nodes | Cadence Seed x25 Cadence Bud x25 Cadence Leaf x40 Cadence Blossom x25 LF Whisperin Core x25 MF Whisperin Core x25 HF Whisperin Core x25 FF Whisperin Core x25 Roaring Rock Fist x15 Shell Credit x900,000 |
Stat Bonus 1 | Cadence Leaf x12 HF Whisperin Core x12 Shell Credit x200,000 |
Stat Bonus 2 | Cadence Blossom x12 FF Whisperin Core x12 Unending Destruction x4 Shell Credit x400,000 |
Inherent Skill 1 | Cadence Bud x3 Cadence Bud x3 Unending Destruction x1 Shell Credit x10,000 |
Inherent Skill 2 | Cadence Leaf x3 HF Whisperin Core x3 Unending Destruction x1 Shell Credit x20,000 |
To gather Cadence Seeds, you must do the Forgery Challenge: Moonlit Groves using your Waveplates. If you are looking for Unending Destruction, you can only get it by defeating the Weekly Boss Scar, but it only unlocks until you complete the Main Quest Chapter 1 Act 4. Remember that if you need items with a higher rarity, you can always use the Synthesizer to craft them. Also, you simultaneously improve your Synthesizer level and get more Astrite.