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While many of us love the original fighters we’ve seen throughout the history of Mortal Kombat, we can all agree that guest characters, especially horror ones, have a special place in our hearts. Yes, we all get a degree of satisfaction by freezing someone with Sub-Zero, but nothing beats the excitement of melting a fighter with the Xenomorph’s blood. Since Mortal Kombat is not abandoning horror crossovers, we’ve listed all of them across the franchise. Oh yes, we decided to include an extra one due to “khaotic” circumstances.
Spooky Mention: Havik

I know this is about the horror guest characters in Mortal Kombat, but I have to talk about Havik and his entrance during the Khaos Reigns expansion. While Havik took a long time in the backseat of the franchise, Mortal Kombat 1 saw him return in all his dismembered glory. With MK1’s expansion, he takes over the story and does it in a magnificent way. Even if he doesn’t have a solo franchise, anyone who enters a room and flings his head in the process deserves a spot on this list.
The T-1000

Even if this fighter hasn’t landed in the arena yet, we are all excited to see his fatalities. Back in the day, the T-1000 was the antagonist of Terminator 2, and it struck fear into everyone’s heart. We were all used to the robotic frame of the Terminator, but we were not expecting the T-1000 to be an upgrade in every possible way. With all the skills he showcased in the movies, we can only imagine how gory things will get once he finally becomes playable. Yet, we’ll have to wait for news on this character.
Jason Voorhees

A few horror guest characters in Mortal Kombat have achieved what Jason Voorhees has. The hockey mask wielder has terrorized summer camps, Manhattan, and space. We won’t delve into the logic of the movies this character is the star of because it would be futile. However, we can say that his terrifying days aren’t over because he’s still slicing bodies left and right in Mortal Kombat. Introduced in Mortal Kombat X, this horror icon is still one of the best in the series and one that many love grabbing as a playable fighter. While the movie franchise has been quiet for years, Mortal Kombat still carries Jason’s legacy.

Everyone’s go-to Halloween costume is finally debuting as part of the Kombat Pack 2 in Mortal Kombat 1. While Ghostface isn’t the most supernatural killer out there, we can’t deny the impact he’s had in cinema and other horror games. Now, instead of chasing people who want to turn on generators, he’s ready to stab other fighters. Furthermore, the horror movie franchise is still going, so it is great to see one of the most iconic killers in the game. Hopefully, this won’t be the last time we’ll see him.

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre has seen a resurgence in the past years. The multiplayer game featuring this character is still receiving updates, and Mortal Kombat players still remember Leatherface as one of the most memorable guest horror characters. While I didn’t like his gameplay a lot when it launched, we can all agree that chopping fighters up with a chainsaw never gets old. I can’t help but wonder how great his fatalities would look in the latest Mortal Kombat game.
Freddy Krueger

Good old Frederick Charles is still one of the greatest guest fighters we’ve seen, and this is all the way back in 2011. This killer was part of some of the most iconic slasher franchises in the 80’s and 90’s. While we haven’t seen a proper Freddy versus Jason fight in Mortal Kombat, the former caused a huge impact when it became a guest character in the franchise and opened the door for many other horror crossovers.
The Predator

Many players felt that The Predator had a very basic combat style compared to other guest characters, but I was just happy to see this apex hunter in Mortal Kombat. As part of Mortal Kombat X‘s DLC, many screamed with excitement once they saw it appear. It’d be nice to see The Predator under the game’s modern light, but for now, we’ll remember it fondly as the one who spammed flying saws during a match.
The Xenomorph

Besides the abovementioned one, a horror character I never thought would become a guest fighter in Mortal Kombat was the Xenomorph. Yet, it happened, and it was terrific. As the galaxy’s perfect hunter (according to many of the eclectic characters who’ve perished at the hands and mouths of this organism), it only made sense to see him go a few rounds against the universe’s best fighters. While every horror character captures the feel of the movie or media they come from, the developers did justice to the Xenomorph in looks and gameplay.