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Hades 2 is not short of resources and materials to be used for various spells and as conversation starters. Whether it’s Bones to exchange with the Wretched Broker or Nectar to give to your favorite character, you have a lot of items to collect. Keeping track of everything that you might need i
How to Get All Resources and Materials in Hades 2
There are various categories of materials and resources in Hades 2. There are those that you can get:
- in Regular dungeons.
- at the Crossroads via NPCs.
- in the Garden.
- from boss battles.
- from character romances.
- the various levels of the Underworld.
The table of contents below concentrates on how to obtain some of these resources and where to find others.
All Resources and Materials in Hades 2
- How to Get All Resources and Materials in Hades 2
- Regular Dungeon Resources and Materials
- Crossroads NPC Items
- Resources You Can Grow
- Boss Battle Materials
- Character Romance Materials
- Erebus Resources and Materials
- Oceanus Resources and Materials
- Fields of Mourning Resources and Materials
- Tartarus Resources and Materials
- City of Ephyra Resources and Materials
- Rifts of Thessaly Resources and Materials
- Realm of Chaos Resources and Materials
Regular Dungeon Resources and Materials

There are tons of basic resources that pop up as you travel from location to location. All of these common resources and materials as well as their uses are as follows:
- Ashes: Used to purchase and upgrade Arcana Cards.
- Bones: Used to purchase items from the Wretched Broker.
- Psyche: Used to increase Grasp to be able to use more Arcana Cards.
- Nectar: Used to strengthen relationships with other NPCs as well as earn Keepsakes.
- Obol: Currency used to buy items from Charon and the Well of Charon.
- Obol Points: Cards provided to you by Charon whenever you spend 1,000 Obol. They can be used to purchase resources in Charon’s Chest back at the Crossroads.
Crossroads NPC Items
There aren’t any NPCs in the Crossroads that give you anything beyond the Wretched Broker. You can use the Bones that you find in your travels here. You can also earn items from Charon’s Chest using the Obol Points that Charon gives you. From the Wretched Broker, you can purchase:
- One Ash: 15 Bones
- Five Psyche: 30 Bones
- One Fate Fabric: 60 Bones
- One Moon Dust: 80 Bones
- One Star Dust: 800 Bones
- One Nightmare: 1,00 Bones
At Charon’s Chest, you can find:
- Ashes: One Obol Point
- Psyche: Two Obol Points
- Fate Fabrics: Three Obol Points
- Moon Dust: Four Obol Points
Resources You Can Grow
Just past Odysseus is a plot of land where you can grow resources from the seeds you find in your journeys. As you complete different incantations at the Crossroads, you’ll earn more plots of land in which to farm with. You can grow all of the following plants:
- Nightshade: Using the Nightshade Seeds found in Erebus.
- Cattail: Using the Cattail Seeds found in Oceanus.
- Wheat: Using the Wheat Seeds found in the Field of Mourning.
- Poppy: Using Poppy Seeds found in the Tartarus.
- Garlic: By planting the Garlic Cloves found in the City of Ephyra.
- Mandrake: Using the Mandrake Seeds found in the Rifts of Thessaly.
- Thalamus: By planting the Origin Seeds found in the Realm of Chaos.
Boss Battle Materials
Similar to the previous installment, boss battles provide you with various materials. You can use these materials in different incantations and craft various weapons. The different materials you can earn after defeating bosses include:
- Hecate: One Cinder
- Scylla and the Sirens: One Pearl
- Cerberus: One Tear
- Chronos: Zodiac Sands
- Polyphemus: Wool
- Eris: One Golden Apple
Character Romance Materials
These aren’t materials you earn from romanceable characters, but materials you can use to further those relationships. These items include:
- Nectar: This can be found in dungeons as well as at the Wretched Broker. The first time you gift Nectar to someone, you can earn their Keepsake. The more Nectar you gift, the further your relationship can develop.
- Ambrosia: Ambrosia is basically the next step in Nectar gifting. Gifting someone Ambrosia unlocks their final relationship development.
- Bath Salts: Bath Salts are unlocked once you unlock the Hot Springs at the Crossroads. They can later be purchased at the Wretched Broker.
- Twin Lures: This provides you with additional cutscenes with various characters via fishing trips. These can also be purchased from the Wretched Broker.
Erebus Resources and Materials
Everything you can find on the Erebus level of the Underworld includes:
- Moly: A Yellow flower you’ll find scattered randomly around Erebus.
- Silver Ore: A pickaxe is required to mine this.
- Nightshade Seeds: Can be planted in the Crossroads.
- Cinder: After defeating Hecate.
Oceanus Resources and Materials

After Erebus, you’ll be in Oceanus. Everything you can find on Oceanus includes:
- Lotus: A pink flower in Oceanus.
- Limestone: An ore that requires you to have a pickaxe to mine.
- Cattail Seeds: Can be used to grow Cattails at the Crossroads.
- Pearl: Earned from defeating Scylla and the Sirens.
Fields of Mourning Resources and Materials
After Oceanus comes the Field of Mourning. The materials and resources that you can find here include:
- Myrtle: A white flower that can be used in crafting.
- Glassrock: A black stone that can be mined using a pickaxe.
- Wheat Seeds: Seeds that can be used to grow Wheat at the Crossroads.
- Tears: Earned after defeating Cerberus.
Tartarus Resources and Materials
Tartarus will sound familiar to fans of the first Hades. There are also various materials that you can find here which include:
- Shaderot: A bluish plant that can be used to craft various items.
- Marble: The sediment that can be mined in this area using a pickaxe.
- Poppy Seeds: Used to grow Poppy in the Garden at the Crossroads.
- Zodiac Sands: Earned after defeating Chronos.
City of Ephyra Resources and Materials

Once you’re able to survive on the Surface World, you’ll be able to enter the Cirt of Ephyra. Here, you can find various resources and materials including:
- Moss: Green plant matter that is used in crafting.
- Bronze: A copper-colored metal that can be mined using a pickaxe.
- Garlic Cloves: Bulbs that can be planted and grown to be Garlic.
- Wool: Earned after defeating Polyphemus.
Rifts of Thessaly Resources and Materials
The Rifts of Thessaly is similar to Oceania in its water theme. Here, the resources you can find are:
- Driftwood: Wood used to craft items.
- Iron: A strong, silver metal that can be mined with a pickaxe.
- Mandrake Seeds: Seeds used to grow Mandrakes to use in crafting.
- Golden Apple: Earned by defeating Eris.
Realm of Chaos Resources and Materials

The Realm of Chaos isn’t a level in Hades 2 so much as it is a location. Here, you’ll be able to interact with Chaos and find various materials that you wouldn’t be able to find otherwise. These items include:
- Darkness Flower: A rare, gem-like flower that is used in crafting.
- Plasma: A strange, material that can only be found in the Realm of Chaos.
- Origin / Thalamasus Seeds: Given to you by Chaos when entering a Chaos Gate, these seeds grow into Thalamasus which is used in crafting.
Hades 2: Starter GuideHades 2 is in early access on Steam.