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Riot Games is about to release the Act 3 Battle Pass for Valorant Episode 7. The new Battle Pass will come with new weapon skins and rewards. A new agent will also arrive in the game at the same time as the pass. The new content will arrive at the title just in time for Halloween, allowing you to try out the new agent and other bonuses in time for the spookiest night. If you intend to get the Battle Pass, here are the types of rewards and skins you can expect to see when the content launches on Valorant.
Valorant Episode 7, Act 3 Battle Pass Details

The pass will be released on October 31, Halloween day. The new skins and rewards for Valorant Episode 7, Act 3 Battle Pass are based on end-of-the-year festivities and deserts. The content will be themed around fall celebrations, taking inspiration from classic tales and art forms across the world. The Battle Pass includes new weapon skin collections, Sprays, Player Cards, and Gun Buddies. You can unlock these bonuses as you work your way up through the different tiers.
Like previous acts, the new Battle Pass launches alongside the release of a new agent. The new playable character is Agent Iso, a Chinese hacker. He’s a Duelist agent, a character that is self-sufficient fragger and the first to enter sites to engage with the enemy.
All Valorant Episode 7 Battle Pass Weapon Skins

The new Episode 7, Act 3 Battle Pass skins are based on the Silhouette and Liberto Collection, skin lines for specific weapons exclusive to the content. The Valorant Battle Pass skins include:
- Libretto – Ghost, Bulldog, Operator, Stinger
- Silhouette – Guardian, Ares, Judge, Frenzy
Ep 7 Battle Pass Sprays, Cards, & Gun Buddies
Other rewards included in the Episode 7, Act 3 Battle Pass for Valorant also include new aesthetics like Sprays, Player Cards, and Gun Buddies. Sprays are artworks that you can apply on any map surface. They serve as proof that you’ve been to that location. Several of the new sprays for Episode 7, Act 3 are based on Iso.
Player Cards are the images that appear on your player account. Gun Buddies are charms that you attach to your weapons and can only be viewed in first-person. The new card and Gun Buddies designs are usually themed around the new content.
How Much Does Valorant Battle Pass Cost

The Valorant Battle Pass price remains at 1,000 VP. You can purchase VP with real-world money at the storefront with 1,000 VP costing $10. This is around the cost of a single premium weapon skin, so you do get quite a bit of bang for your buck. These are the listed key features that come with the Battle Pass, including highlighted items.
Key Features
- Price: 1,000 VP
- Highlight Items
- Free Track
- Sandswept Sheriff
- Hundred and Thousands Gun Buddy
- VERSUS//Breach + Raze Card
- Updraft Scare Spray
- Paid Track
- Sandswept Vandal
- Libretto Operator
- Silhouette Guardian
- Sandswept Melee
- Let It Cook Gun Buddy
- Fragger’s Fall Spray
- Order for Owen! Card
- Knitted Bee Gun Buddy
- Free Track
Is Valorant Episode 7, Act 3 Battle Pass Worth it?
The Valorant Episode 7, Act Battle Pass comes with a reasonable amount of supplies for the low price. However, there aren’t a lot of new exciting things in the content. The cosmetics are fairly cute and high quality, but it isn’t anything we haven’t seen before. While you get your money’s worth, it’s not one of the best passes released by Riot Games.
The content may be more worthwhile for you if you play the game a lot. Valorant has a new progression system which might accelerate the XP process but is still a grind to collect. If you’re not playing the title frequently, it might not have any value for you.
Valorant is a free-to-play, tactical first-person shooter that is only available on PC.