Author: Michael Fairbanks

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Michael Fairbanks

Michael Fairbanks is a lifelong film lover from San Diego, California. His favorite movies include The Dark Knight, Silver Linings Playbook, and As Good As It Gets. In addition to The Nerd Stash, Fairbanks writes for both The Young Folks, and his own blog, entitled Fairbanks on Film.

The Nerd Stash Editorial Policies

At The Nerd Stash, we uphold rigorous editorial standards with a commitment to quality, integrity, and transparency. As of 2024, we’ve refined these guidelines to better serve readers by prioritizing clarity and conciseness. Content is structured to be straightforward and informative, often supplemented with visuals where useful. We focus solely on creating quality content for our audience, not on trend-chasing or SEO.

Our expert writers produce precise guides, news, and features, and our team regularly updates articles to keep information current. Additionally, older articles are clearly marked if they may contain outdated information, with updates noted as needed.

Stories By Michael Fairbanks

Title: Storks Release Date: September 23, 2016 Studio: Warner Bros. Directors: Nicholas Stoller, Doug Sweetland Release…


Title: Snowden Release Date: September 16, 2016 Studio: Open Road Films Director: Oliver Stone Release Format:…

Title: Morgan Release Date: September 2nd, 2016 Director: Luke Scott Release Format: Theatrical  While watching…