Animal Crossing New Horizons releases March 20th, 2020, less than two months away. I won’t…
Author: Jeffers Haile

Former podcast Co-Host, current freelance writer and lover of everything video games and the community along with it. Nintendo, Sony and Xbox are all great, @ me anytime on that.
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Stories By Jeffers Haile
Microsoft is going strong. They recently had a press release for their FY20 Q2 numbers.…
The yelling, I remember the yelling. Not out of anger, alright sometimes anger. Mostly out…
Nintendo is laughing, playing? Driving, wait no, camping? Whatever the means of transportation Nintendo likely…
Will you be at the Summer Olympics in Japan later this year? Need to kill…
The first couple of months in gaming are quiet in 2020. No doubt many developers…
Title: The Mandalorian: “Redemption” Review Release Date: December 27th, 2019 Network: Disney Plus Genre: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi, Western…
The Rise Of Skywalker Brings End of an Era The Rise of Skywalker brings to…
BlizzCon 2019 fast approaches this weekend. Rumors, leaks, and news to abound to keep everyone…