So it seems Sarper Guven actually has a secret child he doesn’t know and has never met, to the shock of his partner.
The Nerd Stash Editorial Policies
At The Nerd Stash, we uphold rigorous editorial standards with a commitment to quality, integrity, and transparency. As of 2024, we’ve refined these guidelines to better serve readers by prioritizing clarity and conciseness. Content is structured to be straightforward and informative, often supplemented with visuals where useful. We focus solely on creating quality content for our audience, not on trend-chasing or SEO.
Our expert writers produce precise guides, news, and features, and our team regularly updates articles to keep information current. Additionally, older articles are clearly marked if they may contain outdated information, with updates noted as needed.
Stories By Remy Carreiro
90 Day fans hate Paul Staehle now and we know the various reasons why.
90 Day’s Rob Warne has a new gig and fans of the show are roasting him for it…
We found out the real reason Geonimo stole from Daniele and it made us all sick.
90 Day’s Miona might be divorcing Jibri, but she may also be cheating on him, with evidence to back it up.
Kalani finally reveals her new beau, Dallas Nuez, to the internet after cheating scandal.
Did you know Sojaboy had an ex-wife named Lisa who was kicked off the show for some crazy reasons?