Author: Grant Johnson

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Grant Johnson

Lover of all things entertainment and tech, Grant has been gaming since before he could ride a bicycle. His passion for all things entertainment has lead him in a multitude of directions, including working on a indie horror movie set, assisting in concert builds for chart-topping artists, and co-DJ'ing an online college radio show. He is known to marathon movies by the same director or studio until 2 AM and then start "just one more". His (ever-growing) gamerscore is bound to cross the 200,000 mark soon. In his free time he enjoys fiddling with electronics or analog cameras, giving an unnecessary amount of affection to his fluffy, little black cat or spending time with his wonderful girlfriend. He hails from the 'Land of Lincoln'.

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Our expert writers produce precise guides, news, and features, and our team regularly updates articles to keep information current. Additionally, older articles are clearly marked if they may contain outdated information, with updates noted as needed.

Stories By Grant Johnson