When the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina released in 2018, some fans adored the new series, while predictably,…
Author: Steve Bennett

Steve is the resident Englishman, just don't hold that against him. He's been playing games for the best part of 3 decades and will continue to do so for as long as his thumbs hold up. When they no longer work, he'll still find a way to play Resident Evil 2. Lover of most things nerdy Steve also likes sports. Go sports!
The Nerd Stash Editorial Policies
At The Nerd Stash, we uphold rigorous editorial standards with a commitment to quality, integrity, and transparency. As of 2024, we’ve refined these guidelines to better serve readers by prioritizing clarity and conciseness. Content is structured to be straightforward and informative, often supplemented with visuals where useful. We focus solely on creating quality content for our audience, not on trend-chasing or SEO.
Our expert writers produce precise guides, news, and features, and our team regularly updates articles to keep information current. Additionally, older articles are clearly marked if they may contain outdated information, with updates noted as needed.
Stories By Steve Bennett
In our review of Borderlands 3, we called it “a very good game that harkens back…
At the time of writing, the popular fighting game, Mortal Kombat 11 (I’m sure you’ve heard…
Just a few months ago Mike Henry stepped down from the role of Cleveland on…
There are plenty of people out there who love The Last of us; there are also…
Should you not be aware, Amazon Prime’s Truth Seekers is the British answer to The X Files and…
After all these years, it’s strange to think that we are finally getting a true…
Title: The Eternal Castle (Remastered) Available on: Nintendo Switch, PC Developer: Leonard Menchiari, Daniele Vincinanzo,…
Four years after its release and Overwatch is now an absolute behemoth and a license to print…