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With a proper build in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre game, Johnny can become impossible to escape from. He’s an expert tracker with prey that are people rather than wild animals. This hunter utilizes his abilities to ensure no victim remains hidden for long. Victims can be as quiet as they want since Johnny relies on his other senses to stalk them. If you seek to showcase your hunting abilities, we’ll help you design a worthwhile build for this Family member.
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre – Best Johnny Build

Who is Johnny in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre? Tall, dark, and deadly, Johnny’s one of the most ruthless members of the Slaughter Family next to Leatherface. He uses his size and strength to overpower his victims. When you pair this with his effective tracking capabilities, Johnny is one perverse and terrifying predator.
Once you develop the right build for Johnny in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, victims won’t hide from you for long. So, let’s break down Johnny’s stats and learn what perks best suit a character like him.
Johnny’s Stats and Ability
Before you start on a Johnny build in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, we need to understand his base stats:
- Savagery: 30
- Blood Harvesting: 16
- Endurance: 30
Unlike some other members of the Slaughter Family, Johnny is not an expert at getting blood. However, you don’t want him focused on Grandpa. Leave that to characters like Sissy and The Cook. You want Johnny constantly on the victims’ trails, leaving them no room to rest and catch their breaths.
You can balance adding points between Savagery and Endurance. Since Johnny is a tracker in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, any good build ensures his stamina remains high. As for Savagery, it only makes sense that you want him to hit as hard as possible to take victims down in no time.
His ability is an incredible one in the game: Hunt. With Hunt, he will track a victim’s footprints within a particular range. When you use the ability, the prints show up in bright yellow. It’s the perfect way to stay hot on a victim’s trail even if you lose sight of them or they’re crouching. Try to work with your team to set up ambushes so there is no escape.
Johnny Build in Texas Chain Saw Massacre Game – Perks

As you go through Johnny’s skill tree in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre game, focus on the far left side. Once you can go up, you want to bounce back and forth from right, up, left, up, and so on. By pouring Johnny’s development into the far left side, you will create a strong build with the best perks for him in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre.
Below is a list of some of our favorite perks for Johnny that will make him just as deadly as Leatherface yet with more agility:
- Feral:This perk increases Johnny’s Savagery. It’s a must-have if your goal is to make him as strong as the big guy.
- Patience: This is a unique perk to Johnny, as it reduces his ability consumption up to 40% if he stands still. We always want him on tracking duty, so anything to get him back into the game fast works in our favor.
- Warmed Up:Whether you win or lose a close encounter, you gain an ability charge up to 40%. It’s perfect for Johnny to return to hunting fast.
- Grandpa Perks:
- Brute Strength:Increases melee damage for every Family member. The perk plays well into a high Savagery build.
- Barge To The Point:Barging doors will open them on the first try. It can help Johnny stay on the victim’s trail if time is working against him.
- Experienced Stalkers:Reduces the proximity warning range for victims. How well it plays to Johnny’s strengths is self-explanatory.
Johnny is a key member of the Slaughter Family when you want to push victims and also deal heavy damage. Play around with Johnny’s build in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, and victims will fall to their knees before you know it.
Best Sissy Build in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is available on PC, PlayStation, and