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With so many places to fish in Roblox Fisch, it’s hard to pinpoint the best spots. Sometimes it’s just a matter of casting your line wherever you are. However, if you want to be more efficient at making money, you want to stick to specific locations. This is because Fisch has biomes, weather, even seasons, which is a lot like Minecraft. Grab your boat, your best fishing rod and bait, and let’s get started!
[Updated February 28th – Now reflects the latest popular fishing spots added in Mariana’s Veil and Atlantis.]
Best Early Game Fishing Spot in Roblox Fisch

Assuming you have a boat, or at least a friend to sail with, the Volcanic Vents is one of the best places to fish in Roblox Fisch due to its fish being higher in value, on average, than say, Moosewood, the early place. You can literally head straight to it, as long as you have a ride.
When you get to Roslit Bay, speak with Dr. Glimmerfin near the lighthouse. He’ll have you rebuild his submarine, which you can then use at your leisure, but more importantly, enter Mariana’s Veil. You’ll come to the Volcanic Vents first, and you don’t even need the Magma Rod to fish in the lava at the back of the cavern.
Best Mid Game Fishing Spot in Roblox Fisch

Once you have a competent fishing rod, something like the King’s Rod, your options really open up. You could continue further into Mariana’s Veil, but places like the Grand Reef, Cryogenic Canal, and Roslit Bay will offer more value.
Roslit Bay is particularly good because it has Butterflyfish, Yellow Boxfish, Dumbo Octopus, Nurse Sharks, and Swordfish. The Grand Reef has the Grand Reef Guardians and Cryogenic Canal has the Glacial Sterling.
At this point, you should also be concerned with grinding levels, not just money. Ideally, you want to take a break every now and then to fish for Captain’s Goldfish, too.
Best Late Game Fishing Spot in Roblox Fisch

When you’re in the end game, Atlantis is definitely going to be your favorite fishing spot. There are numerous fish worth a lot of money there, like Abyssal Devourer and Celestial Koi. More importantly, it keeps you within range of Kraken Hunts, which have the potential to sell for over $10,000. Triple that if you can manage to find an Ancient Kraken!
However, if you aren’t quite prepared for that fight, the ocean is still teeming with valuable aquatic creatures. Be on the lookout for Mustards, Long Pikes, Ancient Orcas, Orcas, Whale Sharks, and Colossal Squid. Bonus points if you use a fishing rod that grants mutations.
Best Place to Fish For Bait in Fisch

You know what makes fishing in Roblox Fisch even better? When you have some good bait. Now, you can buy bait crates, but that gets expensive, especially with Quality Bait Crates. The regular bait crates on Moosewood are cheap, but garbage.
So, Quality Bait Crates it is, which you can pick up on Terrapin Island for $525. However, I have a better solution: go fishing for Quality Bait Crates! On Terrapin Island, you can buy the Magnet Rod for $15,000. What you do then is take the Magnet Rod to Sunstone Island and start fishing around the island.
Because the Magnet Rod has a very high chance of catching Quality Bait Crates, you can stockpile bait. When opened, Quality Bait Crates have a higher chance of giving you some of the best bait in the game!