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Sissy in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, with the right build, is an expert in harassing victims. She’s not the strongest of the Slaughter Family nor the most savage. But she excels in other areas. If you need a quality support system in TCM, Sissy is the way to go. But with skewed stats, it’s vital to build her correctly. Otherwise, you can waste points in areas that aren’t needed for solid Sissy play. Our guide should help you get a quality build so you can chip away at victims’ health and make them as easy as ever to kill.
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre – Best Sissy Build Guide

Sissy is a unique member of the Slaughter Family. There’s no denying she doesn’t have the tenacity of Leatherface, and she doesn’t deal the most damage. But she’s useful in other means.
If you want the right Sissy build in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, go in with the idea of a craftier playstyle. She’s not all about hacking victims to pieces like other killers. Instead, she’s light on her feet and clever with a sinister edge.
Sissy’s Stats and Ability
In TCM, Sissy boasts the following starter stats:
- Savagery: 10
- Blood Harvesting: 38
- Endurance: 23
With such low savagery, it’s clear that a hit-focused build is not the right call for Sissy in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. Instead, you want to lean into her strengths.
Endurance has a great start, but Blood Harvesting should be a big focus. Sissy can easily carry the most blood for the Slaughter Family in any round. Paired with her speed, she can get Grandpa fed in no time. But the stat is not just for teamwork. It helps lean your Sissy build in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre toward some incredible perks.
We can’t go too far into our build without addressing her incredible ability: Bane, a poisonous cloud that Sissy can use. She can also leave behind a poison trap that will explode and deal poison damage to victims. Consider focusing your traps on areas you know victims will head to often, such as the Fuse.
Bane is excellent at slowing victims down and confusing them. Plus, it will highlight their aura for a brief time for everyone to see. It’s perfect for your Sissy build in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre since it will help herd victims to certain spots, keep them away from others, and set you and your team up for kills.
Considering what Bane does, you want to put as many points into it as possible. Those are located on the far right of Sissy’s skill tree.
Sissy Build in Texas Chain Saw Massacre – Perks

There are several perks that will make her stand out in the game. We’ve listed some of our favorite choices below:
- Rubber Legs: Exclusive to Sissy, it’s handy no matter the type of build you use in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. It’ll slow the movement speed of victims poisoned by Bane by 10%. Max it out, and you will see a speed reduction of 20%.
- Universal Donor: The perk will increase the blood you collect from buckets by 20%, 30%, and 40%. Sissy already carries plenty of blood, and with the help of this perk, you can max Grandpa out in mere minutes.
- Dinner Bell: With the perk, Sissy will see through walls whenever a victim goes through a trap. It also increases stamina which, in Sissy’s case, makes her less prone to running out of endurance. She can speed through and get to victims faster than ever.
- Serrated: If you want your Sissy build in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre to have more damage output, this is the perk to choose. It gives her some extra damage, so you can take on a more aggressive approach.
- Nobody Escapes Hell (Grandpa): The minigames to unlock doors are 40% harder. It gives Sissy and the Family more time to catch up and hinder victims.
- Efficient Herbalist: When Sissy poisons an object, there’s a 20% chance it won’t consume powder. This builds up as you level it up. It’s great to keep Sissy moving and not focus so much on collecting more powder.
Although Sissy is more of a supportive Family member, you can still get some solid kills in with her. It’s worth it to see the absolutely brutal kill animations.
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre Characters Tier List: Best Family & Members Victims
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is available on PC, PlayStation, and