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Marvel has announced Black Widow: Venomous, a one-shot starring the newly-symbioted Black Widow. The one-shot spins directly out of Al Ewing and Torunn Gronbekk’s run of Venom last year. During that, Black Widow became the host to a symbiote with deadly results. Now, the new one-shot explores that relationship and finds Natasha fully embracing her new pal. It will also explore Natasha’s place within the symbiote hivemind and build up to the upcoming Venom War.
Black Widow: Venomous

According to Marvel, Black Widow: Venomous picks up with Natasha, who is learning to use her symbiote as just another tool. After all, this is one of the most powerful and versatile weapons in the universe. Now, it is all about figuring out how to work with a weapon that has its own desires and drives. However, once the two get on the same page and Natasha embraces her full symbiotic potential, they will be an unstoppable force.
Writer Erica Schultz is fresh off her gig with Daredevil: Gang War. She couldn’t be more excited about the series, asking,
“Who doesn’t want to write Natasha Romanoff?”
Erica Schultz
Add a kick-ass symbiote into the mix, and it was a no-brainer. Plus, working with extraordinary artist Luciano Vecchio makes delving into Nat’s world so fun. Together, the duo hopes to show the spy in a new light and maybe teach fans a thing or two.
Venom War
Black Widow: Venomous will bring Natasha straight into Marvel’s Venom War event. The upcoming symbiote event launches later this year. It finds every symbiote star choosing a side in an explosive conflict. That conflict is between Venom father and son duo, Eddie and Dylan Brock. Artwork for the event teases both Brock and Venom, leading their armies to battles. So far, we know that Eddie Brock’s team will feature several of his allies. This includes Agent Anti-Venom and Bedlam. Meanwhile, Dylan Brock is followed by Red Goblin, Sleeper, and Black Widow.
Black Widow: Venomous is out on 07/31.