We’ve all witnessed the destruction caused by the wildfires in California and how they’ve forever changed the lives of those affected by them. While the firefighters are doing their best to contain the fires, there are other heroes out there doing their deeds to protect the poor souls still trapped in the fire. California teenage Kalyna Fedorowycz shared a video in which she rescued a terrified horse from the burning canyon. She then rode the horse 14 miles away from the canyon to lead it to safety.
The video comes from Kalyna Fedorowycz’s Instagram account, where she tells how her father filmed the video as she rode the horse down the California canyon. According to Kalyna, the horse’s name is Sovereignty. This horse didn’t want to wait for the evacuation, so Kalyna took matters into her own hands. So far, it seems Kalyna, her father, and Sovereignty made it safely out of the canyon. However, Kalyna’s own horse, Ciel, got hurt at the evacuation and will need surgery. A GoFundMe is up for those who want to support Kalyna’s horse.
This clip also found its way to the r/BeAmazed subreddit, and naturally, a lot of people shared their support for Kalyna Fedorowycz, who is a California hero through and through. It is always great to see people showing their support on the internet and giving these heroes the recognition they deserve.
Yeah…. This is how legendary people are made. You are amazing Kalyna!!! Much appreciation and respect!!!!
jaybaziwa via Reddit.
Others noted how challenging it is to keep a horse calm during these situations. These animals are huge and can even hurt those around them, but we can see that Kalyna handled the situation masterfully and kept Sovereignty calm at all times.
Looks like the start of an apocalypse movie. Props to her for dealing with a scared horse. They can be dangerous when scared.
Xzeriea via Reddit
While firefighters and other people are trying to contain the damage caused by the California wildfires, it is heartwarming to see legendary people, such as Kalyna Fedorowycz, doing what they can to help.