There are too many movies about animals with magnificent skills, like being great surfers, soccer players, or even playing field hockey. We don’t need to take it that far either; amazing animals do more dangerous acts in real life, like police dogs. Many of us dream of having such a skilled pet, like this guy who trained his dogs to perform ball tricks. However, a video of them gained much attention on Reddit because it showed this Colorado dog landing perfectly after hitting his influencer owner. This trick had so many plot twists that I didn’t expect the ending.
Redditor throwheezy shared a video on r/TikTokCringe, although the video is originally from hugothemalamute’s TikTok. In this profile, Brian shows how he trains his dogs to do fun tricks. So, in the video, they are trying a new ball trick in which Brian is supposed to catapult the ball to the target over the shack, and Yeti, his malamute dog, should hit the ball and dunk it. However, Brian’s other dog, the golden retriever Barry, jumped up and intercepted the ball, accidentally hitting his owner. Well, maybe the words are not “accidentally,” as these Colorado dog influencers are unique because Barry loves to jump as high as he can and land on or hit Brian.
I was impressed that the first ball of the wood didn’t smack him. The long version is better anyway.
For any user unfamiliar with these furry influencers, many more things could have gone wrong, like the wood hitting Brian, the stuff on the shack falling on the wrong side, or Yeti hitting Brian with the ball. However, those who know Barry could see it coming, as he would tackle Brian somehow.
I’m not a basketball expert, but pretty sure that’s goaltending.
Barry will always look for a way to get all the spotlight in the videos and play rough with his human best friend. Let’s hope Brian wasn’t hurt after the video, but I believe he has only become stronger after many of these videos.