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There are many common mistakes in Armored Core 6 that you need to avoid to pass your missions much easier. After the beginner’s tips guide for the AC6, now is the time to review our common mistakes while playing Armored Core 6 and share our experience so you don’t redo them. These tips will help you play Armored Core 6 much better than usual. So, without further ado, let’s begin.
Reload Before Combat

The first common mistake in Armored Core 6 is not reloading your weapons. AC6 is a shooter in a sense, and just like any other shooter game, you need to reload before combat. However, there are no instructions to show you how to reload when you begin the game, so here’s how:
- Xbox: X + Shooting Button
- PlayStation: Triangle + Shooting Button
- PC: R + Shooting Button
As you can see, we haven’t mentioned the exact button for shooting here. This is because you’ve got four weapons in the game, and you need to press the reload button with each one to reload. If you want to fill your right-hand weapon, press the Triangle/X with R2/RT.
Get to Know Your Enemies in Armored Core 6

This is an essential tip in AC6. Many players like me have this common mistake in Armored Core 6 to run a mission and repeatedly lose with the same mech. You need to know your enemies to avoid this mistake and build a suitable mech. Don’t just fight mindlessly. Play a mission, know your opponent’s weaknesses, and tweak your mech.
You can always buy new items for your mech before the missions or between the checkpoints if you die. Besides the restart from the last checkpoint button, you’ll also see an assembly menu to edit your mech before starting again. Also, remember that you can sell your weapons and gear for the same value and buy new stuff. Test everything!
Build A Balanced Mech With All Types of Weapons

Going all out for having rocket launchers or kinetic weapons is a common mistake in Armored Core 6. There are three types of weapons in AC6, each shooting a different ammo type. We’ve got energy, kinetic, and rocket-shooting weapons. Now, each one of these is suitable for specific targets and enemy ACs. This is while you’ll face many targets within each mission, and some bosses require you to use each weapon type in different fight phases.
So, with that in mind, if you put four kinetic weapons on your mech and fight an enemy that is vulnerable to energy attacks, you’ll have a hard time taking down the target. You need to build a balanced mech with different weapon types.
Trainings Are Important in Armored Core 6

Players usually ignore the training parts of the games. But besides learning the gameplay mechanics, Armored Core 6 gives you rewards, weapons, and parts for completing pieces of training. These training sessions won’t take much time, and it’s a win-win for learning new stuff and earning rewards.
Don’t Forget Scanning

Have you ever entered a new area and got surrounded by enemies in Armored Core 6? That’s because you don’t scan the field before engaging. Scanning is free, and it won’t use ENs or resources to cost something. So, if you scan each area before going, you’ll see how many targets you’ll be facing, and you can also devise a strategy to take them out.
It’s also important to note that there are secret parts and items that you can find on different missions. To find them, you need to scan the area to get a clue. Again, this is another win-win strategy if you use scanning and avoid this common mistake in Armored Core 6.
Don’t Stay on The Ground and Use Covers

You control an AC in Armored Core 6, which comes with the benefit of flying, dashing, and charging forward at full speed. These all mean that movement is a core part of this game, and if you learn to use it well, then you are way past an average AC6 player. However, a common mistake among the Armored Core 6 players is that most stay on the ground during battles.
Imagine doing left and right dodges and movement on the ground while going up in the air and double your dodging abilities by adding verticality to your movement. As you progress in Armored Core 6, it goes beyond a common mistake to use all the vertical movement techniques to fight stronger opponents.
Armored Core 6: Best Biped Build
Armored Core 6 is available to play on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4,