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Marvel is bringing on the nostalgia with the (re)introduction of Cyborg Spider-Man in March’s Edge of Spider-Verse #2. This Spidey costume is plucked straight out of the 90s with its oversized shoulder pads and disproportioned muscles. While the look didn’t last long, it has become a niche favorite amongst Marvel fans. Now, this look is back in style as Cyborg Spider-Man joins the multiverse of spider-personas that mark the Spider-Verse.
Cyborg Spider-Man

Technically, there are two Cyborg Spider-Men roaming the Marvel multiverse. The first appeared in Erik Larsen’s “Revenge of the Sinister Six” storyline from the 90s. Beginning in Spider-Man #18, this event had Spider-Man gunned down by the vigilante Solo under a ruse put on by Mysterio. However, a cybernetic soldier named Cyborg X saved the hero. He took Spider-Man to Care Labs, where the hero received a robotic cast. This cast included a fully functional cyber arm and cybernetic eye implant.
Sadly, the look only lasted a single issue and was destroyed in Spider-Man #22. Additionally, another Cyborg Spider-Man resides on Earth-2818. This version was an actual cyborg. However, this version of Spidey was killed by the Inheritors during the first Spider-Verse events.
Edge of Spider-Verse
Cyborg Spider-Man debuts in March’s Edge of Spider-Verse #2. The cybernetic hero will feature in a new adventure from writer Richard Douek and artist Bob Quinn. According to the solicit of the comic, the Cyborg suit has gone unused for too long. It is about time the robo-hero made a reappearance.
Meanwhile, the issue also features a new story about the symbiote-infested Spooky-Man from Kaare Andrews. It takes place in Spider-High, the most dangerous high school on Earth. Gluemy Miller is the new kid, and his prospects of staying alive all year do not look so good.
Cyborg Spider-Man is back in action on 3/27 when Edge of Spider-Verse #2 goes on sale.