Dark Raiden is an alternate version of the Lord Raiden that we’ve seen in previous titles like MKX, MK11, and even before in the MK: Deception and Armageddon. Now guess what my fellow Kombatants, Dark Raiden is returning to the big stage in Mortal Kombat 1 Season 5 Invasions mode, but there’s a catch.
The last time we saw Lord Raiden in the story of Mortal Kombat games was in the MK1. There’s a scene where Shang Tsung of the original timeline shows up, and then there are a bunch of MK11 versions of villains with him; including Dark Raiden.
The Elder Gods Must Be Consulted

Unfortunately, that version of old Raiden with red lightning is now gone. But a younger version of him is making a return to Mortal Kombat 1, as the new Dark Raiden. Interloko, a trustworthy data miner of the Mortal Kombat games is saying so.
A new version of the Dark Raiden is coming to the game as a part of the Mortal Kombat 1 Season 5 Invasions mode. This character is a rare version of Raiden, who in his own timeline, uses the Earth’s Jinsei to build a shield around the world. In his second action though he’s trying to unify the Jinsei of every other timeline, resulting in mass destruction. And well, you must stop him, what else would it be?
The bad news, however, is that we may never get to hear the old Raiden’s voice again in MK1. The leaked image of Dark Raiden shows a very young character, which would probably sound the same as the Raiden we already have in the game. The costume of this Raiden is also a bit different, which might be a bundle to buy to from the shop in the future.
As for the lighting color, there’s nothing in our hands to see how this Dark Raiden will use his power in Mortal Kombat 1 Season 5. But we likely see Raiden’s red lightning, just like the one in the MK1 story, MK11, and previous versions of the Dark character.
Mortal Kombat 1 is currently available to play on PS5,